Open Your Heart: A 30-Day Course to Feel More Love and Attraction for Your Partner

Are you longing to feel more love and attraction for your partner?


Do you wish there was more connection and intimacy between you?


Do you often worry that there’s something missing in your relationship


Whether you’re in a new relationship or a long-term marriage, you can grow your love and cultivate your connection!

Most people who find me are in loving, healthy relationships but are struggling because the aliveness that was so strong in the beginning has faded OR it was never there to begin with.

And because our culture tells you that you’re EITHER

in love or out of love

attracted or not attracted

connected or disconnected

when these positive states fade as they always will many people panic thinking that those feelings are gone forever and that there’s something wrong with their relationships.

And if they were never there in the beginning the anxiety can be even worse.

As with so many aspects of love and attraction, our culture doesn’t tell us the truth, which is that:

Love can be grown

Attraction can be cultivated

Intimacy can be nurtured

If you only know which Love Laws to follow!

In this 30 day program called “Open Your Heart” I will be teaching you these Love Laws – the loving actions that, when practiced, will grow your love and attraction for your partner and help you feel more connected to each other. These Love Laws have been thoroughly tested with my clients, my friends and in my own marriage. They’re the secrets that happily married couples naturally live by but are not always able to articulate. In this course, I’ve articulated them for you in a way that is clearly and easily accessible.

I’m so excited to be offering this information as I know how deep the longing is to feel more love, connection and attraction. And I’m delighted to be offering it in a personal format where I will be interacting with you directly.

When You Sign Up For The Program, You Will Receive:

 – One email from me every day which will contain an article about one of the love laws and a loving action that you can take

 – At least one video or MP3 each week that will provide an overview of what you will be learning that week

 – Group coaching calls where you will have the chance to ask your questions and bring your concerns directly to me. All calls are recorded and your questions will be answered regardless of whether or not you can attend the calls.

 – Access to a private forum where you can receive support and connect with others in a compassionate, safe community.

 – Lifetime access to all of the material

Give yourself the gift of learning these love laws and allow me to lead you into a level of contentment in your relationship that you’ve only dreamed possible. It’s not Hollywood and it’s the stuff of fairy tales; it’s even better. Take my hand and let’s begin!

If you’re struggling with relationship anxiety, whether dating, engaged, or married, I STRONGLY encourage you to consider my Break Free From Relationship Anxiety Course. Learn more here.

Responses From Past Participants

"With utmost respect and sincerity, I cannot thank you enough… for who you are, how you are, and ultimately for how the Open Your Heart Program has contributed to my healing."

“With utmost respect and sincerity, I cannot thank you enough…for who you are, how you are, and ultimately for how the Open Your Heart Program has contributed to my healing.  Open Your Heart has helped me see that the source of my anxiety is not my partner or the imperfections in our relationship, but the fact that I have become disconnected from my Self.  The course was a reminder that I can choose to love by honoring the amazing man in front of me and celebrating the wonder and gift of our relationship.  More important, I can choose to recognize the beauty of my own soul and reconnect with ways to celebrate myself.

“The course helped me identify the sometimes unconscious things I have been doing to close my heart, and gave me real skills to work on opening it back up.  It was done lovingly, with compassion and gentleness, and with reminders that the only limitation to experiencing my version of a big love story is how my small, fear-based, wounded mind wants to control everything just so she doesn’t have to hurt.  Ironically, this only suffocates my spirit, starves my relationship, and makes me hurt even more.

“Open Your Heart reminded me that the sometimes subtle and soft voice in my head that says “I am not enough” has rather loud repercussions.  I have judged that voice with no compassion, but it only spoke louder.  I thought I could outsmart that voice by ignoring it, but ignoring it only meant I didn’t hear it….not that it wasn’t still there.  The program exposed the fact that it was the voice that was in control, wreaking havoc on my relationship.  So I must tend to my place of not-enough-ness.  When I am enough, my partner is enough.  My relationship is enough.  Acceptance creates change.  Pressure does not.  I am capable of acceptance because I am enough.

“The program gave me many moments of treasured freedom: the freedom associated with feeling light, innocent, certain, awed, expansive, and calm.  I have had more moments of just feeling; feeling deeper, more genuinely, and more compassionately.  It was a gift to experience what happens to my vision of my partner and our relationship when I stop carrying around the heavy weight of control, perfection, insecurity, uncertainty, judgment, doubt, and fear.   It was a gift to take moments of pause just to gaze at my partner from a place of wonder and appreciation: no judgments, no expectations, and no projections.  Those moments made me want to absorb him into my skin and fly into the clouds.  It was a gift to be able to more clearly see how I had been getting in my own way; how when I was reminded to breathe, soften, and approach myself with more kindness and patience that I would relax a bit more and the gate to my heart would naturally open.

“I know this is a journey and not a destination, and so the effort doesn’t end.  Nonetheless, I appreciate that the program has served as my compass, making the path clear.  I know I will stumble on a rock or several along the way, and I might even trip, fall, and hurt myself.  I am okay with that, because I know how to pick myself up and clean the wounds and I am learning to accept that the ground is not always going to be smooth and flat.  There is something about the stumble that is its own gift anyway:  an opportunity to stop and catch a breath, to laugh at myself for being clumsy.  An opportunity to slow down.  Slow.  Down.  When I slow down, I am in the moment.  I am not focused on the destination.  I have let go of attachment and control.  That is where love is.

“Thank you for offering me the chance in the last 30 days to strengthen my love muscles, to smile more, laugh more, dance more, contemplate more, connect more, explore more, uncover more, see more, feel more, heal more, cry more, evolve more, and love more.  We talked a lot about essence.  Well, I can very clearly see yours, feel yours, and celebrate yours….which has helped me see, feel, and celebrate my own and my partner’s.”

Rae, Hypoluxo, FL

"Some programs like this promise some kind of miracle transformation - and deliver very little. This program does not promise a superficial 'miracle' as such but delivers SO much more: actual tools to help any person become more connected to themselves first and then their partner."

“Before this program I felt our new marriage could definitely benefit from a more comprehensive tools for having ‘relationship tools’ as opposed to dealing with anxiety in relationships – and what we got was an absolute goldmine which both my husband and myself will refer to again and again.

“Transformations occur only through practice and that is what the course reminded me. Before the program I noticed that I was thinking some times in the same patterns (as we all do) as I did before the Weddings E-course. For example, stress from outside sources such as work or negative life events were still affecting the way I saw my partner and I was forgetting some of the important lessons I learned back before we were married about projection. This program reminded me that there are tools to use that can remedy any blockage a couple may face and they start with me.

“Some programs like this promise some kind of miracle transformation – and deliver very little. This program does not promise a superficial ‘miracle’ as such but delivers SO much more: actual tools to help any person become more connected to themselves first and then their partner. Sheryl’s emails and phone conferences contain so much more than you could absorb all at once which makes it more of a program for a lifetime. For anyone who is looking for a relationships course there is no better guide than Sheryl Paul! Her sensitivity and wisdom will be guiding you gently as well as having the support of many other like-minded people to connect to whenever you need to on the forums.”

Anon, Sydney, Australia

"There are no specifics we need to follow when it comes to the people we choose to love. We may all have the false belief engrained so deep within us that says we should only love beauty, but it's not true."

“For the longest time, I couldn’t figure out why when I touch my husband, I soften, literally almost melt. (After 8 years it’s still like that.) Or why he’s the one person that makes me glow more than any other person on the planet. Or why can making love to him make me feel so safe, connected, vulnerable and sexy? Or why he is the one person that when I’m around and open, the true purity, innocence, and love in my soul just comes out. BUT then why, if this person and I share this unique bond and connection with, do I think I might leave? Do I think he isn’t ‘attractive’?

“It’s been throwing me through some serious anxiety… 

“I read something in a response that Sheryl wrote in the Redefining Attraction thread on the Open Your Heart forum. She asked someone that if they sunk down, deep inside themselves, is the lack of physical attraction a deal breaker. (not her exact words to this member, but that was the jist.) And it spiked me, because I was like ‘What if it that is a deal breaker for me?’, but I was instantly countered with a voice in my head that said ‘No, it’s not. The amount of love you have for this person will never be trumped by looks.’ But still… I was left confused, and didn’t understand why these two dichotomies exist within me?

“I finally realized that what I have with this person isn’t now, or has it ever been, about looks. I kept wanting to associate attraction with the externals because that’s easy to define.

“The word attraction defined: When one object is drawn to another.

“That’s why it’s been so confusing… For 3 years, I’ve been trying to give definition to something that can’t be defined. What I can define is that I am drawn to him, I’m ATTRACTED to his essence. I’m attracted to something you can’t touch or see. It just is.

“So, I say this loud and clear to anyone wanting to listen:

“There are no specifics we need to follow when it comes to the people we choose to love. We may all have the false belief engrained so deep within us that says we should only love beauty, but it’s not true. When there was, is, or has been a ‘magnetic pull’, for any reason, for any length or time, towards you and your partner, BELIEVE THAT. REMEMBER THAT. If something in you keeps fighting for your relationship, but you don’t know why because you can’t articulate it but you know there’s a reason, BELIEVE THAT. REMEMBER THAT.

“That’s all I got.”

Amy, Detroit, MI


"If you are tired of altitude sickness from being on your high horse, join Sheryl as she gently feeds you small doses of Humble Pie while you acclimate to your new reality of "Holy Shit, you mean it's me not him?"

Grace, Boulder, CO

"Your course is just what the world needs! Truly!"

“Your course is just what the world needs! Truly!

“I must honestly say that, for us personally, it was a reflection of all the amazing work that we have done and are doing. It was like each day, something that we had practiced during that day would be exactly what you were offering as an action item on the course. It became quite funny how aligned we were with the whole entire course, how it spoke our language and how much it brought to our relationship just to take the time and read the texts every night. We apologize for not being more active in the group, we figured the best way was to work together, free from distraction. The way you are communicating this information and the way you structured the work, we feel, is spot on. Thank you!

“We truly honor you for standing up in this work, work that I feel is the most important of our time. If people cannot find a way to make it in their personal relationships, well, the whole rest of life really doesn’t work either. So keep shining on, developing you work and I am sure, one day soon, we will stand side by side in this movement as we too feel it is one of the most important topics for all of us in our lives. We surely will reflect back as reminders and will pass on your work, as we already do, to many!”

Daniel Tyler Pohnke, Los Angeles

"Open Your Heart was a truly enjoyable program. I learned many simple (not always easy) ways to combat a closed, fearful heart and to instead connect to myself and to my partner."

“Open Your Heart was a truly enjoyable program. I learned many simple (not always easy) ways to combat a closed, fearful heart and to instead connect to myself and to my partner. For that reason alone, I feel that the program was worth it. It was worth the investment of time and cost, and worth the vulnerability it took to really practice the love laws.

“I’ve taken the Conscious Weddings E-Course and one difference I found is that I felt more engaged with Sheryl, and because of that, I was more committed to working on the material regularly. The daily e-mails, the daily exercises, posting on set topics on the forum, weekly phone calls–these all created a “program” environment where I felt like we (program participants and Sheryl) were all in it together at the same time, and that I needed to show up.

“Overall, this was a great program, a good complement to the Conscious Weddings E-course and counseling, good for where I’m at in my journey… wonderful. Thanks for your hard work in putting it together and teaching it.”

Stephanie, Minnesota

"If anyone is on the fence about Sheryl's work and Open Your Heart, I can say only this: there is truly nothing to lose and everything to gain."

“I am very grateful to have been a part of Open Your Heart. Over the course of the program, I grew from feeling empty and detached from my partner to taking responsibility for my own openness. This has translated into a feeling of more connection, and although I haven’t fully completed the process of opening my heart, I feel confident that it is possible and that I have the tools to do so. More importantly, I feel that I can do this with my current partner, whom I love very much. I know that opening your heart is a process, and I would not be at this point if it wasn’t for Sheryl’s work.

“My favorite thing about this program was absolutely the conference calls. Getting the opportunity to interact with Sheryl personally and have questions answered directly set this program apart from other online courses. I did not feel like a number or a username on the forum.

“If anyone is on the fence about Sheryl’s work and Open Your Heart, I can say only this: there is truly nothing to lose and everything to gain. All of this work is taken as an experiment, a chance to try new things and see what works for you. And the only way to discover this is to try.”

Emily, New York City

"I am so grateful to Sheryl for this powerful work. Her message is compassionate and gentle – you truly know that she genuinely and passionately cares about this work and about each client’s understanding and integration of the message."

“I loved the Open Your Heart program, and have recommended it to a number of friends. I loved all the guidance and all the information that dropped daily into my inbox with its wisdom, gentle reminders, thoughtful suggestions and solid actions to be taken.

“It was well paced, enough content to challenge you and encourage you to step up and more content to go back to over time.

“It is great to know that I now have this resource at my fingertips to refer to as I am sure I will many times.  I plan to go over it again and again. 

“I feel reassured that there is no shame around this issue for me knowing there are others who also struggle in this area. I understand better where the fear comes from and understand the tools and principals around moving through it.

“As a result I feel more solid within myself, more compassionate and understanding of what the fear means.  I feel braver and more able to feel that fear and square up to it, acknowledging it but taking a different action anyway.  This has allowed me to be more able to open my heart, stay in my heart and be the love and light I know I am in my essence, bringing that to my relationship and everywhere.

“My boyfriend says he can really feel the difference in me when I am in this state, so it feels like a choice and I can tangibly see and feel the difference this course has made for me which is exciting. 

“I am so grateful to Sheryl for this powerful work.  Her message is compassionate and gentle – you truly know that she genuinely and passionately cares about this work and about each client’s understanding and integration of the message.   

“I find Sheryl a beacon of light – she is both strong and gentle as she guides you through what she so aptly calls the dark underbelly of relationship anxiety.”

Katrina, London

"I absolutely loved every second of the Open Your Heart Program."

“I absolutely loved every second of the Open Your Heart Program. Your work is simply incredible and I feel so lucky to have stumbled onto it, ironically 10 years ago and then again when I needed your work the most! Thank you!”

T. Allen, San Diego, CA

"In completing this course, I felt a greater sense of peace within my marriage and about myself."

“For years I fantasized about meeting “the one” and imagined how perfect our life would be together. I hated being single and was eager to meet a nice guy. I would look at friends’ relationships with envy. I thought, “If only I could meet a nice guy, that is the only thing stopping me from being completely happy”. Then it happened, I met a nice guy! I prayed to get married someday. Eventually he proposed-cue the joy, right? I now had exactly what I wanted. Shockingly, instead of feeling “happier than I ever felt”, by the next morning, I felt sick. I couldn’t sleep or eat. I was filled with anxiety and crying all the time. I had a panic attack each morning for 2 weeks. I thought, “Surely, this must mean I’m making a mistake”. My feelings were the polar opposite of how I thought I should feel and I didn’t know what to do. In a desperate google search I found Sheryl’s Conscious Weddings E-course and signed up. I was skeptical at first and even googled one of the participant’s names to make sure she was a real person! The E-course was exactly what I needed. It helped me learn why I was feeling the way that I was and helped me understand how transitions affect people differently. The forum provided is a valuable tool because it allows you to connect with people who are experiencing, and have experienced what you are going through. It feels good to know that you’re not alone and you can get through this challenging time of transition and fear. The course helped me manage my anxious thoughts and learn a lot of about my own personality and pattern of thinking. Now I’m married, in part thanks to all that I have learned from the e-course! The Conscious Weddings E-course helped me understand and manage all the fearing and anxiety that encompassed my wedding transition.

“After the wedding I thought, “I’m married, now what?”. I knew that even though I’d completed the Conscious Weddings E-course my work was not done. While I was completing the weddings E-course, I initially thought, “Okay, I will do this and then be ‘cured’ of my anxiety”. I know now that it doesn’t work that way. I knew that as a newlywed I wanted to continue to work on my relationship. That’s when I heard about the Open Your Heart Program. I approached the Open Your Heart program as an experiment to see if it would help me develop an even stronger relationship with my husband. I did not focus on the outcome, as with the first E-course.

“This program was easy to complete. Participants receive one email per day containing an article and a single task, which I could do at my own convenience. The Loving Actions, which are detailed in the OYH course, can become part of a person’s daily life. In completing this course, I felt a greater sense of peace within my marriage and about myself. The emails of a daily article and task seemed to arrive in the perfect order! For example, just as I was starting to feel some resistance, I received an email about feeling resistance! Sheryl has perfectly structured the course so that it has a natural flow. I would recommend both courses to anyone dealing with relationship anxiety or who wants to strengthen their relationship.”

Laura, Carnegie, Pennsylvania

"Sheryl is an extremely understanding, peaceful and amazing mentor. She is very patient and has opened my eyes to the rich reality of love through the Open Your Heart program."

“Sheryl is an extremely understanding, peaceful and amazing mentor. She is very patient and has opened my eyes to the rich reality of love through the Open Your Heart program. I would unquestionably recommend it to anyone, whether they are in a relationship or not because it is important that people know not to believe everything that the media says about love! Learning to take responsibility of your feelings and love more openly is the most important thing in life, I think Sheryl’s course should be taught in schools!”

Charlott, Lincoln.

"This program is so practical and it helps you understand the ebbs and flows that come with love. I highly recommend it and it is a tool that I will be using for life."

“I joined this program when I was about 2 months away from getting married. It was SO helpful! I wanted a buddy and in my opinion that was a very smart choice. I am now married and still apply the rules I have learned through this program. I am also still in touch with my buddy which is so wonderful. This program is so practical and it helps you understand the ebbs and flows that come with love. I use the very simple technique where I notice if my heart is closed. I now have language to things that happen in a marriage which is a balm for the anxious mind. I highly recommend this program and it is a tool that I will be using for life. I have started a round two of the program and there is always something new that I learn. Thanks to Sheryl for bringing this great material to us all.”

JK, Palo Alto, CA.


  1. Interested in finding out when the next ecourse begins after the 5/29 course on Open Your Heart 30 Days

    • Likely in October. If you’d like to be added to the interested people list, please email me.

  2. Is there anyway I can pay with cash?

  3. Hi,
    Please add me to the list of interested people in the October 2013 course.
    Thank you 🙂

  4. I am interested in this class. How can I sign up for the next session? I already took your Conscious Wedding course and was pleased with that.


    • I’ll email you directly, Myriam, to give you more information.

      • I really need this course but I really cannot afford it right now. Been battling lots of relationship anxiety and Intermittent attraction. I just want things to go back yo the way they were and it’s getting exhausting.

  5. I’m interested in this course!

    • I’ll add you to the list, Sarah, so that you’ll receive an email for early registration that will allow you to secure your spot.

  6. Hi, I would like to be notified when your next course comes up in September. Thanks!

    • do u not take in people for the course from india?

    • did u do the course aditi?how did it help you.

  7. Hi Sheryl ,

    Just read all the testimonials and I know that the course you are running to open your heart in 30 days would be something I would greatly benefit from. Could you please notify me when your next course commences in September. Thank you!

    • I’ll email you directly, Jeannette, so you can get on the Early Bird list and register before the spots fill up.

  8. hi Sheryl
    can you add me to the list? is this for October? Thank you

    • The program begins September 7th and I just opened registration today! Check your inbox : ).

  9. Hello Sheryl!!

    I am very confused with my relationship, because lately I have realized my feelings of love are actually not there. Don’t feel as attracted as before, as patient and not even sure if I love him. This has brought me great anxiety. As you might suspect, I am in a relationship with a great partner. No red flags. I was wondering if taking the “Open your Heart” course would help me get through this confusing times. If so, could you please add me to the list for the September program? All I want is for our relationship to work out. Thanks in advance!

  10. Hi Sheryl, is my name already added to the list?

    Just have to say that this is exactly what I wanted… I remember during the chaos of my anxiety only 2 months ago I said to my friend “all i want is for my heart to be open” and to which he replied “how do you know if it’s open? and if it’s not open maybe that means you don’t love him…”. As you can imagine this sent me over the edge, and I started to believe this despite the pain I felt. Deep down I guess I knew what I needed, just wish i trusted myself and my feelings at the time to be able to speak up. Anways…i’m here now.

    Thank you

  11. Sheryl, I just got married 3 month ago and I’m falling apart now. I have the same qualms as Chrissy above. I’m not feeling the same way and it’s freaking me out. Will this course help me? Can I please sign up?

    • Absolutely, Rain. Simply click on the big purple “BUY NOW” button above and you’ll be directed through the purchasing/registration process.

  12. Hi;) How to purchase your e- course from abroad? I don’t have the bank account in your currency…

    • Paypal can convert from your currency to US dollars.

  13. Hi Sheryl,

    I really feel like I need this. Will there be another course offered after the one that starts in September?

    Please send me any info you have.

    Much Appreciation,

    • Yes, I’ll be offering it again in early Spring.

  14. Hi Sheryl,

    Is this course something you have to do with your spouse, or can I go thru it without him being involved? I’m a little afraid for him to know I’m not feeling attracted to him…it just seems like it would hurt his feelings terribly and if it’s something I can solve without him ever knowing I feel this way, it would just make things easier.


    • You can go through it alone or with your partner, Ana.

  15. Sheryl, I am wondering if this program might be right for me. When I read the program description, something in me reacted with “Stop forcing me to love my husband. I don’t want to be more intimate.” That comes to me like a big kick in my chest.

    At the same time, I am finally getting how tangled up I am in our crazymaking dynamics, and I only have a vague sense of what is going on in me that is contributing to that. I want to understand that better. It is very scary to think of letting go of the way I have been and I think I need some modelling and support to change my behaviour. I want to feel love, peace, and warmth in my body instead of the hard and empty and scared feeling I have now.

    Do you think this program could help or is it maybe not quite the right place for me right now?

    Kim in Halifax

    • Hi Kim: It sounds like the program would be a great match for you right now, especially since your resistance is coming up so strongly! I encourage you to take the leap as Open Your Heart is designed to address the exact issues that you’re struggling with.

  16. Hi Kim
    I totally relate to those hard, empty and scared feelings and I feel so disconnected from my partner because of it.
    I too am wondering whether to start the 30 day course…..


    P.s Are you in Halifax, England?

  17. Hi Louisa….I am on the east coast of Canada. Glad to hear I am not alone with this!


  18. Hi Kim
    You’re certainly not alone, I soon realised that when I found this website. The articles seem to help make sense of these very heavy and unwanted feelings. The difficult thing I suppose is learning how to work through them without over-reacting and making decisions based from the wounded self….


    P.S Halifax in England is very close to where I live, so that’s why I asked……Halifax on the east coast of Canada is slightly further away 😉

  19. So, Sheryl, just to clarify — Will the course help me find the “right” relationship with my husband, even if that is not necessarily a marriage relationship? My resistance to loving my husband, and my impulse to get away from him is so strong that I want to be sure I have the space to uncover the meaning of that, whatever it may be. I don’t want to go into it with a preconceived idea of the outcome of our relationship. Does that make sense?


    • Well, Kim, the program is not designed to help you determine if your husband is “right” for you or not. It’s about learning loving laws and actions that will help you move toward him, which includes discovering your fear walls and learning how to work with them effectively. I hope that helps.

    • Kim – since it’s been 7 years since you wrote the above, I’m curious about “the rest of your story.” Did you take the course? Because 2013 you says exactly what I’m saying now….sounds like me.

  20. Hi Sheryl,I’ve been with my boyfriend for 2 years now and have never had an orgasm. When I met him, there was an incredible click, I just felt so close to him and wanted to be around him all the time like I’ve never felt with anyone else. However, when we first kissed, there was no real spark for me and still to this day I dont get anything out of kissing him and obviously the sex isn’t much better. I mostly enjoy being in his arms and hugging him and I know that I do love him deeply so its kind of a really weird situation. I’ve ignored it up until now, being completely happy with him regardless, but sometimes I cant help but think surely sometimes wrong. I’m not much of a sexual person in general but if my thoughts would stay that way, he wouldn’t be the one I’d fantasise about. I haven’t spoken to him about it as I know he definitely finds me very attractive so it’d be really hard to explain this to him and he surely would not understand the complete picture as conventionally when someone says they are not actually attracted to you and haven’t actually ever been, then that throws “love” out the window and raises major issues. I do feel guilty about it all though and so I normally just push any negative thoughts away. Would your course have anything to do with my messed up situation Sheryl or would you just call that a write off? Because if nothing was there to start with then there’s not much really to work on. I just don’t understand what makes me feel to close to him at the same time though. I thought that maybe I got my friendship/lover senses mixed up but I wouldn’t want to be friends with him either as no one goes around spending days in bed in their friends arms and feeling like the world was now complete :/ I’d appreciate more than you can imagine if you got time to spare a few words on this for me and let me know if the course is honestly suited for my kind of situation.

    • The course would help for sure, although I would probably need to know more about your history before I could offer a solid recommendation. I will say, however, that you’re situation is more common than you think, and when you start to work through your fear-walls, the natural sexuality will begin to flow in. That’s what the Open Your Heart program is about.

  21. Hi Sheryl,
    I’m interested in the program but have some questions about the structure…is it homework/exercise work? What are the coaching calls like – check-ins from the group or teaching from you? What day and time (EST) are the calls going to be?

    I’m also not sure about the scope, if I’m in the right place for this, although I have no doubt it can always be helpful to people. Is there an intake type of form where I can feel this out before committing to the wole month..?

    Thanks for any info.

    • Yes it’s daily exercises which take from 5-20 minutes, but I wouldn’t consider it homework : ). On the coaching calls, I begin with a teaching and then I interact with the participants answering their questions. The calls will be on Mondays at 8:15pm EST, but if you can’t make them you can write your questions on the forum and download the recording for 24 hours after the call. I hope that helps!

  22. Hi,
    I’m interested in the October class. Could you email me the info, please?

  23. Sheryl, are you having an “open your heart” program in october, and if so, is it too late to register? please add me to the email list if it is not too late. thx

  24. Hi Sheryl,

    I have just signed up for your e-course, and then came across this one! Much like Chrissy above, I have had feelings like perhaps I don’t love my partner of 1.5 years anymore, and my sexual drive towards him has drastically dropped. He is a great man, treats me impeccably, and willing to totally work and transform whatever he needs to for our relationship. We have really worked through some early issues, and things seem to be going in the right direction. I just don’t know if he’s the one anymore, and its causing me GREAT anxiety! Just wondering if this may be the course for me, or should I stay with the e-course? HELP!

  25. I would like to be put on the list for octobers session! How much does it cost?

  26. Hi Sheryl,

    This is something I am interested in, however it is not available until Spring 2014 because it is full. Is there any way I can find the information elsewhere or through this website on another program? It is VERY important to me and would be beneficial to start learning this information now.

  27. Sheryl,

    After reading through your website I feel as though your courses may be something I should look in to. Please keep me posted on your future Course dates, as I would love to be included.


    • Hi Rose: I won’t be offering this program again until Feb/March. In the meantime you may want to consider my Conscious Weddings E-Course.

  28. Hi, I really want to do this course would you be able to email me when you’re next taking people on?


    • Hi Kayla: The February 2014 program is now open for registration : ).

  29. Hi Sheryl:
    Your website and articles have been a godsend. Like so many on your site I have found a truly wonderful guy. I am drawn to things in his essence that are beyond my rational understanding. It just “is”. And the sex is truly a loving and exciting reflection of that. He is the first man I have ever felt I could truly trust. But the externals – his employment situation, some of our differences have sent me into a desperate and anxious tailspin. The negative voices are obsessive as I deal with how he is not the “Prince” I held in my imagination my whole life. Its agonizing. Heres my question: i signed up for the Conscious Bride course but we are not yet close to engaged. I really feel I need your Open Your Heart course but it doesnt start till February. Is there any crossover between the courses? I NEED THOSE HEART OPENING EXERCISES! Any suggestions snd THANK YOU for all you do!

    • Yes, there is a LOT of crossover between the courses, and starting with the Conscious Weddings E-Course, even if you’re not in the wedding transition, is the ideal place to begin to do this work. Keep going through the course. Ignore the parts that are related to being engaged, and you’ll start to peel back the layers of your projection that are keeping your heart closed. You’re in the right place!

  30. Hi Sheryl,

    I wanted to know if your program is catered mainly to women or will men also benefit. I am going through a very serious relationship breaker and it is centered around sexual attraction or lack thereof. I have been torn between my love for my long term girlfriend and soul mate and my sexual attraction towards other women and complete lack of any sexual attraction towards her. Would your program help me come to peace with what I have with her? Would love to hear back.

    Thank you,

    • The program is for both men and women.

  31. Hello Sheryl,

    Would the program be good to me? I do not experience relationship anxiety anymore (thanks to the blessing of your e-course) but lately I moved out with my boyfriend and I often feel angry etc.. and have trouble mastering my feelings. I also feel like my heart is sometimes closed because of my past experiences. Could this help me? Or is this more about redefining love? Thanks

    • Based on what I know about you, this program would be a great fit. I’d love for you to join us!

  32. Hi Sheryl,

    I’m 100% sure I want to participate in this course. However, I’m curious/concerned about the weekly conference calls. Before I sign up, I want to be sure I’ll have the time free to participate in that part of the course. Is there a schedule chosen already for the course that begins on 2/8? I’m sincerely looking forward to participating!

    Thank you,
    Alice Gibson

    • Call times vary with each program depending on demographics of participants (it’s always a challenge to find a time that works for worldwide participants!), but for this round the calls will most likely be held on Mondays at 4pm EST. All calls will be recorded and you’ll always be given an opportunity to ask your questions prior to the call if you can’t make it.

  33. Hi Sheryl, this open your heart program interests me a lot.. Even though I’m in such a better place than I was initially. I want to learn more about myself how I can love myself every moment of my life. I am enough I don’t need to please anyone first.. always please me.. And not to feel selfish..I don’t know why I always felt that way. Like I felt guilty if I didn’t go out of my way for people. I was a people pleaser.. But I don’t see myself like that anymore because I learnt healthy boundaries from my psychologist.. Useful tools that will be to grasp onto.
    Unfortunately due to lack of money I have to wait until I’m ready for the next one.
    I can’t wait to get started as I’m sure I will find my real essence..
    Sheryl xx

  34. Hi Sheryl,

    I am not about to participate in this next session because I will be away for two weeks. When is the next one afterwards running?

    I want to take this course so badly, as I feel it will be incredibly beneficial!

    Thanks so much,

    • I’ll be offering the next one in about six months. However, it’s all delivered digitally and, even if you’re away, you’ll still receive the daily emails.

  35. I would love to sign up. Those intense passionate feelings of the early stage have disappeared causing me to feel empty and disconnected from my boyfriend. He is truly in love with me and I just don’t know how to be in love! I do not want to end the relationship because he is so wonderful and supportive. Please let me know when the next session will be starting. I’m desperate.

    • The next session will be offered in the fall, Courtney. If you sign up for my email list you’ll receive notices about it.

  36. Hello there..
    I would be interested to hear when you open registration for this later in 2014..
    Thank you.

    • Let me know if you want me to add you to list of interested people. You’ll receive an Early Bird email which will allow you to sign up early and secure your spot.

  37. Can you let me know when your next “open your heart” course is scheduled.

    • It will be in August or Sept. Do you want me to add you to list of interested people? You’ll receive an Early Bird email which will allow you to sign up early and secure your spot.

  38. Hi Sheryl,
    I’m sad to see I “just missed” your Feb Open Your Heart Course. I am definitely interested in your next course in August/September! Please put me on the list!

  39. Hi,
    Can I receive more information on this e-course?
    Open your heart 30-day

  40. Will you please include me in the list of interested people for the next Open Your Heart course?

  41. Please can you let me know when the next Open Your Heart course is going to start and send me and Early Bird email too.

  42. Hi Sheryl,
    When’s your next course? I would like to enroll in it asap- my wedding is coming up
    Thank you

  43. I would also like for you to send me and e-mail when you start another open-your Heart course please. If you think it would be a good inversetment for me

  44. Hi Sheryl

    I would also like to hear about the next “open your heart” course in 2014, so it would be great if I could be added to the list – I will be working on the conscious wedding one in the meantime!

    Thank you so much for your work – I have only discovered it last week and already feel such a relief!

    Many blessings,

  45. Hi Sheryl,

    Really want to do this 30 day program in August and would LOVE for you to add me to the early bird email notification list, thank you SO much!

    Cheers x

  46. Hi Sheryl
    Can you send me information about the open your heart course please so I can sign up
    Thank you

  47. Can I please be added to the list for the Open Your Heart course? Thank you!

  48. Hello! I am wondering when the next course would be, I am interested in joining. I found your site by accident looking for articles on when you are irritated with your partner. Im not sure what course is right for me. I have recently moved to another country to be with my partner. Im currently out of a job and just find myself annoyed and irritated all the time at my boyfriend. Im not nice, snappy and I want it to stop. As he is being nothing but loving and understanding. I just want to get back to a good place and not pull away from him.

  49. Hello! I am looking to be added to the Open Your Heart Course for this Fall. I see many people have already tried to save a spot so, not sure if it’s full yet. Could I please be added to the list if there is still room?

    • Spots can’t be saved until I open registration in August. You have time!

      • I meant the early bird registration list, Thanks!

  50. Hi,
    I´m very interested in yout course open your heart, sounds like something for me indeed. After 10 years of marriage ups and downs, and for the past 6 years mostly down for me with lots of irritation towards my partner, I´m feeling no attraction etc.
    Is the next one first this fall? Can I sign up already? What does it cost?
    Thank you,

    • Cost is $199 and I’ll add you to the early bird registration list!

  51. Hi Sheryl,

    I would love to sign up for the next program and for the early bird email list. Also, what is the cost of the program?

    Thank you!

  52. If I am worried about attraction, sexual and otherwise, is this program supposed to help with that? I worry about a lacking of it in my relationship and would love to build up the love and attraction between me and my boyfriend from where it is now to something much stronger. Also I need a lot of help getting a healthier mindset about relationships and commitment. Will this course help me with that?

  53. I was wondering if this course or any other offered would be of benefit to my partner as well?

    Thank you, again.

  54. Please 100% add me to the next intake, extremely keen and definitely want to do it! Thanks so much!

    • just realised i’ve posted on here twice… wow, any more keen? haha! 🙂

  55. I would like to get in on registering for Open Your Heart program in the fall.

    • Registration will open in August but I can add you to the Early Bird list to secure your spot.

  56. Hi Sheryl ~

    I replied here 4 or 5 days ago, asking to sign up as soon as possible without question for the next session of Open Your Heart. In the meantime, even though I am in a marriage of 20 years, I am seriously considering your Conscious Weddings E-Course.

    Please confirm my request.

    Thank You so much!

    • Request received, Barb! Going through the Conscious Weddings E-course will definitely enhance your experience of Open Your Heart.

  57. Hi Sheryl
    I would also like to book a place on the next ‘Open Your Heart’ course. Could you add me to your early bird list in the meantime?
    Thanks so much!

  58. Hi Sheryl,

    As a dedicated reader of both your blog and your book I would love to be added to your early bird email list for this course. I like many others here made my way through an anxious, rewarding, difficult and life changing wedding journey, and now looking for the tools to continue building my marriage to the height and strength it can be.


  59. Hello, Sheryl. Could you add me to your early bird registration list for the August Open your Heart course? If by chance, there are any cancellations for the session that is about to begin, I would love to fill in any slots that become open. Otherwise, please do sign me up for the early bird registration for August. Thank you.

  60. Hi Sheryl

    I would like to book a place on the next ‘Open Your Heart’ course. Could you please add me to your early bird list?

    Thank you,


  61. Hi Sheryl,

    I’m really interested in taking the Open your heart course. Could you please add me to your early bird list and let me know when registration opens?

    In the meantime, What would you advise me to read or do to ease my pre-engagement anxiety? I’ve already been through so many ups and downs and I’m thankful and so happy that I’ve stumbled upon your website.

  62. Hi Sheryl,

    Can you please notify me when registration for this course opens? Thank you!

    • Just added you to the early bird list, Brittany.

  63. I am interested in taking the Open your Heart course. My husband and I have been struggling for a while. I have felt I am pulling away as he pulls away.

  64. I’m interested in taking the open your heart course, how do I go about doing that?

    • Registration will open in August, and I can also add you the early bird list which will allow you to register early and secure your spot.

  65. Please add me to the early bird list for the bext course so I can register in time! Thanks!

  66. Hi. I would like to do this course. Thanks

  67. I am interested in your Open your heart course, please add me to your list.

  68. Sheryl,

    I am currently in a long distance relationship that has been ongoing for 1 year and will continue for 1 more year, but we plan to live together afterwards. We lived very close to each other for a full year before we had to move to long distance, but we have cultivated a very healthy and loving relationship. My partner is the most wonderful, loving, patient, and kindest person I have ever had the pleasure of knowing and has taught me so much about myself and the world. We have both helped each other grow over the years. Lately however, I have been experiencing overwhelming anxiety characterized but a gigantic pit in my stomach that lingers within me daily. I want to emerge from this hole, but I am worried that because I am in a LDR, the relationship is doomed. I don’t want to give up, but I don’t know where to go from here. Will this course help me even if I’m not living near my partner? I see him about 2 weekends a month.

  69. Hello – I am interested in the Open Your Heart Course. Would you please add me to your list? Thanks

  70. Hi,
    I think I’m interested in your Open Your Heart course… but I’m a little hesitant. I’ve been with my fiance for 4 years, and we’ve never had that “spark”. He’s pretty inexperienced and I’ve got anxiety and depression issues… we’re intimate once a month and I have to force myself into it. Don’t get me wrong. I love this man. He’s everything to me and we have a beautiful daughter together. If there’s a way to create chemistry and desire I’d love to try. Is this actually something that *can* happen?

    • Yes, I do believe that spark can grow even from a cold ember.

  71. Please add my email address to your newsletter. Thank you!

  72. Hi, I am probably one of the few men who visit your site but I am struggling with anxiety that is really causing me to doubt and fear moving on with my living girlfriend. I have been working through the wedding encourse, can I be considered for the open your heart course?

  73. Hi Sheryl, I would love to be added to the list for registration when it comes out 🙂

  74. Hi when is the next open heart course?
    I’m from Ireland would this be ok and I need help

  75. Hi Sheryl,

    I would like to be added to the registration list. Do you know when you’ll have this course again? Thanks! <3

    • Next program will likely begin Sept 6, 2014.

  76. Sheryl I would love to be added to this list. I certainly need this course.

  77. I am interested in the Open Your Heart Course. Would you please add me to your list for the Fall 2014 program? Thanks

  78. I would like to be added to the list for the Opening Your Heart program.

    Thank you!

  79. Hi Sheryl! I’d love to take your course! I’m hearing my story again and again reading comments on all forums. I am 25, in a new relationship, FIRST relationship, after being rejected plenty of times in my past by other people. Finally someone loves me. I don’t want to be in this position. It’s not who I am nor who I want to become, and I’m realizing I want to resolve this and take the necessary steps to do so! I want to register for August!!! Please email me. 🙂

  80. When is your next class starting thanks, Sandy

  81. I’m interested in the next Open Heart course and would like to receive more information please.

    Thank you.

  82. Please add me to the notification list for the fall course!

  83. Pls add me to sign up list for Open Heart

  84. Hi Sheryl
    I’d like to find out if this course is for me. I met a wonderful man a few months ago and we have been seeing each other regularly. He is kind, funny, warm and I feel that we share the same goals in life. He is really attentive and sweet and I’ve never felt this cared for by any man. But I don’t find him physically attractive. I never have. He was a little insecure about his looks when we first met and said that people have made many negative comments over the years about his features. I remember feeling his insecurity really bothering me. He started mentioning marriage and children which scared me a little as I felt he was getting ahead of us both. At one point about a month into the relationship I decided to end it simply because I could not imagine us being intimate as I didn’t find his looks appealing. But after I ended it I began to regret it and missed him a lot. I don’t know if I missed him or missed the thought that this could have been my chance to be in a happy relationship and have children (I’m 36 and I feel my body clock ticking away). We talked and he said we could take it as slow as I wanted – he realised that the marriage/children discussion had been too much for me. So we are still seeing each other and I like him more and more each time we meet. I’ve just never met anyone like him and I think he is a wonderful person, a beautiful soul. I still don’t feel that physical desire though. It has come a few times in short bursts but it feels like a real struggle. We haven’t been intimate yet as he is a devout Christian and wants to wait until marriage and this would usually be fine by me except that in this case I really don’t know how I would respond to him physically. One thing I should mention is that I find his voice very sexy and when we talk on the phone I feel very attracted to him. I just don’t have that attraction to him in person. I’m also very worried about ‘leading him on’. I don’t want to hurt him and part of me feels that it might be better to end the relationship to save us both a lot of heartache in the long run. My friends have advised me to do just this but I wonder if my lack of physical attraction to him is the result of years of exposure to media ideals and my own insecurities and issues. I really want to be able to develop that attraction but I worry because I haven’t really felt it so far. Would this course help me to work through my problem?

    • The course would absolutely help you break down your media-induced ideals of attraction. More importantly, you have a little to lose by taking the course and giving your relationship your best shot. The challenges you’re describing are exactly why I created the course.

  85. I would like to be registered for this course if spots are still available?

    • Spots are available and registration is now open!

  86. If I know I have attachment issues which is at the root of all my relationship issues (in therapy, EMDR, etc.), would this be a good course for me? Would like to register if so.

    • While the course isn’t specifically focused on attachment issues it would absolutely help you soften your fear walls and resistance so that you can move toward your partner and experience more connection and love.

  87. Hi Sheryl, I really want to enroll on this e-course but I’m going to be travelling on vacation (a cruise with difficult Internet acces) from September 13 till September 21. Can I enroll anyway and check the emails, mp3 and info when I get home? Please let me know, thanks!

    • You can certainly catch up when you get home but you might feel overwhelmed by the amount of information all at once. It’s up to you!

  88. Hi Sheryl,
    I am extremely interested in your class and think it is just what I need for discerning my relationship with my boyfriend of over a year. Unfortunately, I’m not able to participate in live streaming videos sessions on weekends due to travel and a friend’s wedding.

    Are the forums and group calls at specific times? Could you give further information on how the course is structured so I can figure out if possible to participate with replays of the material?


    • The forums are open 24/7 and the group calls are at specific times, but they’re all recorded and you’ll always have a chance to ask questions prior to the call which will be answered. The videos are available at your convenience via password-protected pages. Call times are Mondays at either 8:15pm est or 5pm est (alternating throughout the four weeks).

  89. Sara – I just read your comment and I wanted to say I feel exactly the same way as you. I am also 36. The only difference is my boyfriend of 2 months is not Christian so we have been able to explore things physically. Anyway, I also feel very very worried about all the things you say and I find it hard to tell if my lack of attraction is my own issues, or him. Just wanted to give you some solidarity in that.

  90. Hi Sheryl,

    I’ve been with my boyfriend for a little over a year now. Every so often I fall into a “funk”. I begin to feel like infatuation has faded and anxiety kicks in, making me question everything. In the beginning it would last a few days and I would pop out of it, but now it’s lasting anywhere between two weeks to a month. I’m not sure if other anxieties (family/work) are causing me to project these feeling into my relationship. I’ve been learning to sit with my feelings, to really feel them and to be honest with myself, saying out loud what it is that is scaring me. We’ve discussed marriage and moving in together, so I’m not sure if these transitions are creating anxiety. He is a good man, the best I have ever dated. He respects me, we have meaningful/deep conversations, we enjoy our time together and are completely comfortable being apart, however I don’t feel grateful for these things like I used to. My fear is that I don’t know how to love past infatuation. I didn’t grow up with the best examples of love.

    Do you believe the Open Your Heart program be of value to my anxieties?

    Thank you.

    • Without a doubt. The program was created to address exactly the anxiety/fear that you’re describing, and if you don’t want to walk away from what sounds like a wonderful relationship, it’s time to address the fear at the root.

  91. Hi Sheryl,

    I’m not sure, whether you have read my comment on your current article. But does it make sense to do this course if there have been doubts on whether it’s love or not from the beginning on and when we split up some weeks ago and I cannot really move on. Or is it better to move on and do the course on how to handle a break-up 🙁

    Best wishes

    • Hi Karina,

      I would encourage you to give your relationship every chance you can, as chances are you will just repeat the patterns of fear with your next available partner. So, yes, the course would benefit you.


  92. Hi Sheryl,

    I’m hoping I wasn’t too late in signing up for this as it’s the 13th in Australia..!

    Hoping my payment went through and all is good 🙂

    Looking forward to starting the course and learning!


    • You’re in! You got the last spot : ).

  93. I wanted to see about enrolling in your e- course. Wasn’t sure if your classes started yet?

    • Yes, it started today and registration is now closed.

  94. Sheryl, forgive my lack of tech skills and I really need this class. I did receive a group email yesterday with some quotes. Have I missed something? else? I could not sign in with my password for the forum but you said that was not necessary. Is there a call in number? Is there a video to watch? Something else I should have received?. Thanks, Diana (your over anxious to heal participant)

    • I just emailed you. Yes, there’s a video and yes a call-in number for tomorrow’s call!

  95. I see that “Registration for the next round will open soon.” Can I sign up to receive a reminder/notification email for when registration will open for the next class?

  96. Hi, Sheryl!
    Bummed out that I just ran into your website through a huffpost article I read and that your e-course just recently closed up. Would you be offering this again anytime soon? I’ve been with my husband for 13 years, married 10, and we have hit a rough patch. Would like to sign up whenever possible. Thank you!

  97. Hey there! Can I please get more information on this course? I’d love to do it, it would greatly help me in my marriage 🙂

  98. Hi Sheryl,

    I am taking your Conscious Wedding Ecourse at the moment – just started on Monday. I am getting married in November and have developed some serious anxiety due to our relationship having been stuck in a rut for a while and wanting to sort things before the wedding. Is there anyway that I could hop onto this course also?

    Many thanks

  99. Hi Sheryl – Will you be having another one of these Open Your Heart 30 day programs? I’d love to be on the list. Thanks!

  100. Hi Sheryl,

    I hope you are fine. I have two days reading your blog because I have this overwhelming anxiety about my relationship. I’ve read blog entry after blog entry and sometimes I think you are literally reading my mind and in these moments your blogs posts have represented all of my hope. I’m really glad to have found you.

    I do know how precious and beautiful my partner is and even if my mind is screaming that the only relief is to end the relationship, because “it will end my anxiety”.

    Something inside me tells me that I should not. I’m holding on to that, I just need the tools. I need please to enter in the queue for the Open Your Heart 30 day program. When is the next “Open Your Heart 30 day” program starting?

    Best Regards,

  101. Hello, Sheryl. Please provide me information on coming Open Your Heart programs.


  102. Hi Sheryl, Please add me to the list for the next round of this course? I’m sad that it looks like we just missed it! And looks like it will not be offered again this year? Is that correct? Thanks!

    • That’s correct. I plan to offer it again early 2015.

  103. My heart squealed with hope when I read the above information about this course and the testimonies. I cannot wait until next year when this is offered again. So bummed out that I missed the one that is currently happening as it would’ve come at a perfect time, but nonetheless, next year! Thank you for the work you do in helping people improve their lives. I can tell you are such a beautiful soul.

    • I’ve just added a sign up box so that you can be notified of early registration for the next round! Thank you for your kind words :).

  104. I’m not seeing a sign up box for information about the 2015 class. Can you point me in the right direction? Thanks!

    • It’s the blue box in the middle of the page.

  105. Hi Sheryl.
    Is this online ? I am interested in the 2015 programme but I live outside the United States.
    Kindly let me know.

    • Yes, it’s all online. People join from all over the world.

  106. Hi Sheryl,

    I’m in the UK – can you tell me what time and day the phone calls will take place for the February 2015 course?



    • All calls will be recorded and available for download immediately after the call:

      Feb 2 at 8:15pm EST
      Feb 9 at 5pm EST
      Feb 17 at 1:15pm EST
      Feb 23 at 8:15pm EST

  107. Sheryl,

    I’ve been hoping for awhile that you would touch on sex more in depth within the parameters of fear, vulnerability, etc. Will this course delve into that at all?

    • I don’t talk about sex in the course but I typically talk about it on the calls and it always comes up in depth on the forum.

  108. Hi, I would love to enrol on course, I’m living in Ireland, is it still possible to enrol?

    • Yes, we have an international group!

  109. Hi Sheryl, wondering when the next Open Your Heart session will be after this one that begins tomorrow? I’m not sure I can financially swing it right now, but definitely think my guarded, stoney heart could benefit!

    • It will either be May or June.

  110. Hi Sheryl, I am thinking about doing this course, this time or next, but not sure I fit. I have been married 37 years. Feeling a bit old for this group. 🙂

    • Hi Lori: My courses are not age-specific and I’m sure you’ll feel right at home. I hope you’ll join for the next round.

  111. Sheryl, I signed up for the Open Your Heart e-course, but haven’t seen any emails, etc. Can you tell me how I would access the first step? etc.? Thank you!

    • Candee: I’m so glad to hear from you here! I’ve sent you several emails asking you to confirm your email address by clicking on the confirmation link, and I’ve sent you the three emails that you’ve missed. Do you not receive emails at this address? I’m not sure why nothing is coming through to you. Please email me directly using the contact form above ASAP and let me know if there’s a different email address you would like to use for the program other than this one (which is the one that you signed up with) so that we can resolve this and get you up to speed with the program!

  112. Sheryl, just a quick update. I have not yet received my approval by the administrator so that I can login. I do have my username and Board URL, but no access as of yet. Also, I don’t know if I was supposed to receive a day #4 email, but so far I haven’t received that either. Thank you for your help. Candee

    • Candee: You need to click on the confirmation in the email you received in order to receive the daily emails! We’ll send you #4 and #5 but we can’t send them every day.

  113. The universe is amazing. I just came across your page this morning, right when I am feeling so disconnected, sick and full of anxiety due to the feeling of losing touch with my partner. As much as we are both not perfect, I keep finding myself overthinking things which results in me turning tiny things into something big – that really doesn’t need to be. Am I doing this because I’m unhappy? I feel so lost, hurt and angry with myself.
    But I have to say, it is so relieving to read through these comments and know I’m not alone.

    I am in Australia, just wondering if you have a book?!

  114. Hi Sheryl,

    I suffer with relationship anxiety. The troubles with my current boyfriend are more than that though,as he can be abusive though he is hopefully going to get help with it that. I have realised that I can be quite passive aggressive or even verbally aggressive if I feel that my independence is being compromised. My relationship anxiety doesn’t help – even though there are genuine reasons for not fully committing to this relationship, my lack of commitment and tendency to withdraw or panic even when things are going well doesn’t help. He says that even if we work on all the negative patterns we have, he isn’t convinced that in the end I really want him – and I agree. As a result, I tend to work on the relationship because I feel I should or in the hope that it will develop into something that I want, rather than because I want it now – this is even the case often for bring affectionate or doing nice things. But then it feels false to both of us. Do you think either the Open Your Heart course or the Conscious Weddings course would help, and if so which would be best to start with?

    • If your partner is abusive, that needs to be handled first and foremost before you embark on your own journey of excavation and peeling back the layers of your fears. When there are red-flags present – as it sounds like there are for you – the fear is an appropriate response and something to be listened to.

      • Hi Sheryl,

        I meant to post what I’ve written below as a response, but posted it as a new post instead. See the new post – do you have any advice to offer? Thanks, Kath

  115. Hi Sheryl,

    Thanks for your reply. What are red flags? I’m guessing they are warnings that it may not be a healthy relationship and that abusive behaviour is one of them. Where can I find out more about red flags?

    Also, do you have any advice about help with abusive behaviour? My boyfriend wants to change but we are struggling to find appropriate help. From what I can see, many courses for those who are abusive to their partners are based on the Duluth model – that claims that abuse is due to a patriarchal ideology that men should control women and that the solution is to educate men to choose a different way of behaviour. However, we don’t think this applies in the case of my partner (or in many abusive situations if I’m honest). He knows that his behaviour is wrong, and he does not have misogynistic views on the roles of men and women. However he suffered abuse as a child – he does not think that because he suffered abuse that that excuses his behaviour, but the fact remains that because of his experiences he has low self esteem, a lot of fear, and does not have good methods for coping with uncertainty, jealousy and ‘failure’. His efforts to control, including trying to control me, are to do with him trying to protect himself from perceived threats. I am concerned that any programme which emphasises to him that it is wrong to be abusive will just confirm his view of himself on a bad person, and that asking him to give up control without helping him with the underlying issues is likely to make him more anxious and potentially more abusive.

    Do you know of any resources that could help him? He is socially phobic, so would find therapy in person hard, especially group therapy. He is also dyslexic, so finds it hard to take in written information – however he is willing to give something involving reading a go, but would have to take it at a manageable pace.

    • I’m not aware of any resources that specifically address these concerns, but if I hear of anything I’ll let you know.

      • Thanks Sheryl

  116. Hello all, I got engaged to my wonderful fiance after 7 months of dating back in October. Before we were engaged, I had never been more sure about anything in my life. Shortly after though, I was so anxious I lost about ten pounds. I just started worrying that we weren’t compatible enough, even though before the engagement I never thought that. I know that my insecurity is harming my relationship with my fiance. I eventually told him about the doubt and worry and he has been so great. I only wish to find peace and learn to focus on the positive(like I used to) and not the negative(like I do now.) I find myself being very sensitive and getting angry at him for the smallest things. I don’t know if my feelings have any basis in fact after I have expressed my anger and ‘gotten over it’ for the time being. It seems that nothing makes me happy now. I don’t know if I’m depressed or what but it is hurting me and my relationship. I know that if I ever lost him I would regret it deeply. I just want to feel joy and contentment. I find myself comparing how we are now to how we just to be. I say things to him like, “You used to be so sweet to me and hug me and kiss me randomly.” Which, at the time that I’m saying this, it truly feels like maybe what I’m accusing him of is true, but after, I feel guilty and unsure of the truth in my words. I want us to work out because the happiest I have been is with him. I just can’t seem to let go of the anxiety and fear and it is causing me to be unhappy.

  117. I’m confused as to when this course will begin?

    • The next round starts on June 20th – this Saturday!

  118. Hi Sheryl, I live in the UK and wondered what time the conference calls tend to be? Just to figure out what time these would be in GMT. Thank you

    • Calls are various times each week, some of which will work for the UK. However, because of the worldwide demographics of participants, only about 1/3 are able to join the live calls. The rest are able to send in their questions ahead of time and then listen to the recording. It works out quite well.

  119. Dear Sheryl,
    I have been eyeing this course for a while and I am so happy that you are offering it again! After almost a year in therapy I am finally starting to have a grip on my anxiety (and not the other way around), remain conscious of my thoughts and starting to build my confidence around the new realities of a true and loving relationship. Your work has been tremendous support all the while, and now I feel there is some space opening up in me that is ready to learn all that this course has to offer.
    I have one question though, I was wondering how long we get to have access to the forums after the course? This is very important to me as I tend to find great solace in learning about other people’s experiences and it’s something I would like to come back to from time to time. Thank you!

    • I’m so glad you’re considering joining us, Tundi, as it sounds like you’re in a great space from which to receive this information. The forums remain up indefinitely, but after the course ends they are no longer moderated. Let me know if you have any other questions.

  120. Looking forward to receiving this information!

    However, I am now focussing on continuing the Trust Yourself course material and finding out what My Work exactly is (so far I got building my own Self, creating my own life, finding False Beliefs and creating compassion and mildness towards myself), so doing course as well is too much right now. I have some vague idea of what a relationship should actually be (not codependent as it is now, but as a third body of two whole people) and I want to figure out first what I want with my life (from a more developed place of Self, not from false beliefs) before I can look clearly at my relationship and be fully open to building on it.

    I do believe the information of this course will help me at another stage of curing my anxiety, when will the next OYH course be given?

    • I will likely offer it again in October or November.

  121. Dear Sheryl,
    I’ve been struggling with relationship anxiety on and off for about a year now. The man I’m dating is wonderful…he’s thoughtful, kind, and lighthearted. I find that I go through periods where I’m able to control my anxiety, then it will flare up and I’ll start to worry that he’s not the right person. We’re very happy together, so I’m not sure why I have these concerns. I want him to be perfect, and I want out relationship to be perfect…I feel like I’m setting myself up for failure. Is this course something you think would help? Is there room left?

    Thank you!

    • Hi Janie: Yes, the course would benefit you enormously. I hope you join us!

  122. Hi Sheryl,

    I’ve been wondering which of your courses would be my best bet- Open Your Heart or Conscious Weddings. I’ve been dating someone for 6 months- the first serious relationship I’ve been in since my engagement was called off two years ago. After the current boyfriend told me that he loved me I was on cloud 9, but that lasted only a week and then the anxiety kicked in full force. I have come to realize that my anxiety is fear based. I’m trying to break down the walls that I’ve built to fully love him. I’m trying to overcome my fear of losing him or being hurt. Every time I’m anxious, negative thoughts run through my mind constantly about him and then once the anxiety lifts, I realize how unreasonable my thoughts were. Which course would you suggest would be most beneficial?

    • Conscious Weddings E-Course would be ideal for you!

  123. Sheryl, I have been trying to process the payment on PayPal but my card keeps getting blocked. No idea why! Could you send me instructions with an alternative please?

    • Tundi: Please contact me directly using the contact form in the menu bar and we’ll figure it out!

  124. Dear Sheryl
    I can’t do the June course but definitely interested in doing the next one (hopefully there will be? – there seems such a need out here!). Can you let me know later when your next course starts?
    Thank you so much

    • I will likely offer it again in the fall.

  125. I really really want to do this course! When will you run it again?!

    And also, can I ask you Why you aren’t around the forum anymore? I know I shouldn’t post there as much as I do but your precense would mean alot. I totally love Lala and BB but sometimes I lack the knowledge of a real psychotherapist. I have so many questions, I want the anxiety to end and for me to be happy with my life again. I want to know, if I keep accepting my fears, thoughts and anxiety – Will it dissapear? I do mindfulness Every day and take my medication. Im not journaling or IB, will I need to do that aswell to get better? I hate feeling like I dont want to marry him, I want it to be over when he proposes (this will propably not happen for another year or so so it feels like I’ve got some time to finish my healing. Please come back :(. From Magda

  126. I very much need to be in this class. Is there anyway I could sign up now to guarantee my spot?

    • As long as you’ve signed up for the early bird registration notification and you sign up as soon as the email goes out you will secure a spot.

  127. Hi Sheryl. Your blogs are helping me feel more love for my amazing boyfriend who is absolutely wonderful and also helping me let go of a relationship that ended a year ago.

    I went through a rough break up and then 4 months later met my love. Jeremie is the most wonderful happy loving partner i could ever ask for. When we started dating i was on the “free love ride” and then 3 months later my anxiety brought me down. I had just moved in with him and then out of nowhere i was hit with thoughts of my ex (whom i dont speak to) and questioning my love for my current partner and my attraction (when moments before that i was incredibly attracted to him!)

    Reading your blogs have really helped me, but i am waiting for you to open you Open Your Heart session. Almost desperately. I have gone to therapy and now i dont have anxiety, but i am still missing this longing and crazy attraction i had for Jeremie in the beginning (and i had with my ex throughout the entire relationship (that obviously wasn’t meant to be).

    I have been with jeremie for almost 8 months and i know i want him to be the one more than anything. he is funny smart loving and LOVES ME MORE THAN ANYTHING. his family and friends already gave him the green light to propose and so did my family and most of my friends (my other friends wanted me to take it slower with anyone after the big break up)

    Jeremie is the person i can 100% see my life and future with and raising a family. I want my CRAZY lusting attraction and feelings of non stop happiness around him back . Please help me.

    Thank you! Looking forward to hearing from you!


    • Hi Alex!
      I’m in the same situation!! I broke up with my ex about 1 year ago and cut off all contact. same way you felt is the same way I felt! However, I knew we weren’t meant to be. After not talking to him for a year and finally moving forward, I met my current boyfriend! He is so amazing, I felt love that I’ve never felt before. I definitely see a future with him, as he makes me laugh, can calm me down, makes me feel so loved, and all I want to do is give him love. Out of nowhere, thoughts of my ex started popping in my mind. They won’t go away. I don’t even remotely want my ex back, they’re just the more random thoughts. I really really want this to work with my current boyfriend, as I truly see a future with him. I’m sick of reading negative things online! I also started seeing a therapist. What has helped you? I’m debating if I should spend the $$ on this course, as I’m in grad school.


  128. Hi Sheryl,

    I just want to ask whether this course fits me. I’ve been dating a wonderful girl for 5 months. Still not proposing to her to be my girlfriend because I think there’s something missing my lack of feelings and enthusiasm (sometimes I really don’t want this). I compare myself to other people because why I can’t be like them that I feel that I can’t met her needs. I keep pushing her away, I keep distancing myself (maybe afraid of letting go of control or letting go of my single life). She’s a very jealous girl and I don’t know if she’s too needy. I am the one who keeps giving red flag to our relationship. She keeps telling me that I don’t care for her or Am I convincing myself to stay because I’m guilty of hurting her I’m so confused 🙁

    • Am I being selfish for not letting her go? And letting her be with someone else that she deserves someone better? Am I keeping her since she’s beautiful and i dont want her to be with someone else but I keep treating her badly red flagging her 🙁 it makes me sad

  129. I lost my husband to suicide. I am in a new relationship and this man has all the qualities I need and want but I cannot feel love or feel in love with him because I think I am afraid of losing again. Sometimes because of the way I can’t feel, I think he is not the right man for me or it is not the right time, but I really do want to fall in love and feel love for him. Can the Open Your Heart course help me with this or what course would you suggest? Thank you.

    • I’m so sorry for your loss, Susan. The fear of loss is one of the core spokes of the relationship anxiety wheel, as I explain in my new course, “Break Free From Relationship Anxiety.” I recommend it highly to you when it’s released in a few weeks.

  130. Dear Sheryl, I am interested in taking a course but I’m not sure which one is the most suitable for me. I have suffered from relationship anxiety and intrusive thoughts for months and with the help of therapist I managed to lessen the anxiety but now I’m left with a feeling of emptiness. I am just not that excited about my partner and not that attracted. Sometimes I don’t feel attracted to him physically and sometimes intellectually… And I feel embarrassed to admit that. I also constantly evaluate how I feel when I’m with him, when we kiss or when we plan things together and feel desperate when I don’t feel excited. You have heard this before, right? Any suggestions? How do I work through this? I just always end with a feeling that I don’t love him as much anymore…
    Would appreciate your answer. Thanx!!

    • Open Your Heart would benefit you enormously.

  131. Hi!

    I am a married woman and also mother. I have been suffering rocd since we started dating with my husband. The biggest issue has been that I have been dreaming about my first love since we got married. I thought I was already over that guy. In some dreams I realized that I still love him and chose him over my husband. My first love was very dramatic on/off relationship with strong feelings. My relationship with my husband has been much healthier and more stable, but I sometimes miss those strong feelings and chemistry. I would like to be present with my husband and avoid comparing him to my first love. I feel so guilty ans shamed about that. Can you help me?

    • I would recommend you wait until October when I release my next course, Break Free From Relationship Anxiety. It will provide all of the tools, information, and support you will need to break through this negative pattern and be able to commit to a loving partner. There will be an entire section on The Ex.

  132. Thanks you very much. I would be so reliefed if I could finally get over my ex and be completely committed and open to my husband. He really deserves that. He is the most caring and loving person who I know.

  133. Hi Sheryl
    When in October will your “Break free from relationship anxiety” course start? I am away for some of October but am desperate to do this course.
    if the title is correct this is exactly what I need after months of suffering.
    Could you please add me to the early bird email list?
    Also how much is this course?
    Thank you so much.

  134. Hi Sheryl,
    I am considering signing up for your Open Your Heart Course beginning October 24, 2015. I have an ‘all over the place’ work schedule and I am not sure how I will make the group calls. Is there a specific time weekly the group calls will be meeting? Thank you so much for your time and for offering such wisdom.

    Kirsten S

    • Calls are generally at 5pm eastern, but sometimes it changes. Please know that only about 1/4 of the participants are able to make the calls, and if you’re not able to make the live call you will have a chance to ask your questions and listen to the recording afterward.

  135. Hi Sheryl
    I hope you are well!

    I have been in a relationship for 3 years, I love him and we have a nice life together and have have lots in common. However I’ve always been a bit unsure if I want to spend the rest of my life with him, I’ve often had a sense of something is missing and don’t have a pull in wanting to marry him. Although it’s difficult to put my finger on what it is. I’ve always thought this wasn’t too strange and with time, I would either decide what I wanted and the doubts would disappear and I would choose to spend the rest of my life with him or move on. About 6 months ago I started to think heavily about what I was going to do, I’m turning 29 this year and I don’t want to drift along in a relationship- I want to either be in it fully and be happy or not together at all. This brought on anxiety and I couldn’t think straight! That’s when I found your website. Now I’m not so anxious but still constantly questioning what I should do! I’ve looked through your course descriptions but don’t know if any are right for me and my situation. I have friends that have been in similar situations then broken up with their partners and got with another person later and felt more contenta. I just want to feel content and happy, I don’t want to force anything that isn’t there! Have you got any suggestions? Also before I sign up for a course I would like to know a bit more about how I might feel afterwards?

    • We all have stories of people who broke up because “something was missing” or “it didn’t feel quite right” and went on to meet someone with whom they didn’t feel that way. And yet, in this community, we all know thousands of stories of people who have decided to do their inner work and not only have felt that it’s the best gift they could have ever given themselves but also found true contentment in their relationships. I can’t give you a prescription for how you will feel after you take one of my course as much of that depends on how deeply you commit to the work. There are no magic pills in the world of healing, and ultimately it comes down to how much responsibility you’re willing to take for your well-being, aliveness, and joy. Given what you’ve shared here, I would suggest that you start with my Break Free From Relationship Anxiety E-course. It’s the foundation of all of my other work.

    • I am in the same situation, only I’m 34 and the relationship has been going for a year and a month. I am growing a lot in this relationship, and it helps me be the kind of person I always wanted to be. It is making my girlfriend so happy she wants me to marry her. She can’t understand why I’m dragging my feet because she sees me being happy too. I admit I don’t know why I’m so reluctant when I’ve wanted to get married for a long time now, but now that someone’s giving me a chance, I don’t want to let go of being able to date others, I have never felt a great desire toward her, and I’m trying to figure out how to be in love so that I can be happy with the idea of being with this person forever. I care about her and do my best to make her happy because she is important to me, but when do I get the feelings of love that I feel like I need in order to make a forever-level decision? I don’t want to feel just kind of *shrug* eh it’s pretty good for the rest of my life.

      Anyway I’m going to do the Open Your Heart programme because I hope it will help me figure out how to create that feeling so I can get married without feeling like I’ll soon wish I hadn’t.

  136. Hi Sheryl,

    I have a busy month coming up, and I’m wondering if it’s a good idea to sign up or not for the Open Your Heart Course in October. I also work 12 hour shifts a lot and may not have time on a daily basis to keep up in live time. If we end up not being able to read the activities/articles on the days they are sent, will we still benefit or is it a better to wait for a more convenient session.

    Thanks so much.

    • It’s good to sign up when you can commit time to the course. However, most people fall away from doing the practices in live time, and that’s perfectly fine.

  137. Hi Sheryl,
    Do you know what time the weekly calls will be?


    • Calls are generally held on Mondays at 5pm eastern. If you’re not able to make the calls (only about 1/4 of course participants are generally able to make the live calls), you will be able to ask your questions beforehand and listen to the live recording afterwards.

  138. I’m not sure if this is the right course for me. I am new to dating and I met this man whom I clicked with right away. But after a few weeks the spark kind of went away and my anxiety started up. We have been talking and dating for over a month now, almost two. And I only ever had relationship anxiety in one relationship before that ended in February. Is this good for me even though I don’t think I’m at that love stage yet with him?

    • Yes the course would be a great fit for you right now.

  139. Hi sheryl
    I have some more questions to ask, could I book a session with you via Skype?

  140. Hi Sheryl! Nice to meet you! I’m upset I missed the Open Your Heart registration as I would really like to focus on this right now,
    I have just started a wonderful relationship with a guy I met and we’ve clicked right away, we’re connected, we have a million things in common, we’re both into each other, I’m attracted to him, he’s attracted to me, and we’ve been in a relationship for 3 – 4 months now and after the 2 – 3 months I started to have relationship anxiety as I didn’t feel infatuation as I did with a couple of dates I had in the past and I start to worry for no reason, and unfortunately, I have gone down the rabbit hole and I am wishing I would become the person I used to be before the anxiety kicked in, I am anxious on a daily basis, constantly overanalising, over thinking if I am still attracted or if I like him or will I ever love him and it’s given me fear and now I have the constant feeling of dread when I see him or talk to him and that’s not what I want to happen. I don’t want to miss the opportunity because he’s really an amazing guy and I want to love him as much as he’s loving me at the moment, I feel on the dates I’ve been on in few months before I met this wonderful guy I had been hurt twice at least and now I feel my heart is blocked or shut and I don’t know what to do and it makes me sad that my heart isn’t opening for this amazing guy I am blessed with, could you please help me? Is there another way I can “Open my Heart” I don’t think I can wait until Spring 2016 because I want this relationship to work and I know It will work once I put my anxiety to rest! – thanks for your help in advance Sheryl! You truly are a Godsend.

      • Sheryl,

        My anxiety is driving me insane at the moment and I don’t know whats happening to me Sheryl, I feel like I’m losing myself,
        I have been okay I guess for the two days or so with less anxiety and I have come to a point where I feel empty and numb (as you stated in the emptiness of space),
        At this point I question what’s happened, I feel everything I was anxious for over the past few months has got me nowhere and currently feel dead inside, and this of course will get me worried and anxious again,
        Whenever I think of my boyfriend / partner now, It’s not like it used to be, I feel like I’ve lost my self along the way and everything gone out of the window but this is not what I want,
        I want to be happy and have fun, and this moment in time I currently feel disconnected, it happened last Sunday, I felt like my admiration / love for my other half just disappeared, while having dinner and this not what I want to happen.
        Whenever I speak to him on the phone I feel as its not me and that I’m forcing it to work or I’m faking having this relationship or feel like a fraud or fake.– but this isn’t true at all,
        Before Anxiety set in everything was fine, I was happy but I’ve just come to a stand still and want to cry. Sheryl, could you advise further please? I am without a doubt I want this to work, I want to love him with everything I have but it keeps me researching on Google that I’ve not had a infatuation / love stage with him and this worries me the most and wonder if this will ever happen?

        • Again, as I suggested above, I HIGHLY recommend my Break Free From Relationship Anxiety e-course. And I’m running a sale this week for Gratitude Week (I run sales on my e-courses twice a year). Please email me for the code.

          • Hi Sheryl,

            Thanks for your reply, I will definitely try the course. I’ve also learned a few things along the way too help me, I realised that our over thinking and over analysing and worries distorts our perception on how we see the partner regardless, these past few days I have become more positive, even though a few niggiling feelings are underneath I am certain I will break through this. Thanks for your help! and I will email you for the code

          • Hi Sheryl,

            Sorry to bother you again but I can’t seem to find your email address on this website, could you please advise??

            Kind regards,

  141. Hi Sheryl! I posted something on here last night and I can’t see it! I’m just writing this again to see if this comment disappears!

    • I know this post is a little old, but was wanting the chance to share some quick advice for those who desperately need it like I did!

      I have been going through the exact same thing you’re going through.

      Two weeks ago I was at work, and it was like someone had just switched a switch off and I just suddenly didn’t feel right about my boyfriend. When I thought of him I didn’t feel happy, instead i felt sick and had a massive sinking feeling. Anyway, when i saw him or spoke to him i felt weird and like my stomach was churning. It was like i was looking at him but i couldn’t see him.

      I realised when i was with him all i was doing in my head was constantly analysing how i was feeling. “Look at his face, does it make your heart flutter? Do you think he’s attractive? Does he make you happy? Did you find that funny? Did you get excited when he held your hand?” All that and so much more kept going through my mind.

      And sometimes, even if I felt a little better/happy I was suddenly thinking ‘Wait, i’m not anxious or sick with worry any more, oh my gosh does that mean i don’t care anymore”. You’re anxiety is constantly trying to take over, so even when you’re up sometimes, it will still try to latch on and drag you down.

      Anyway, about the numbness, I too reached that stage this weekend. It was horrible. I was looking at my boyfriend and felt like he was a far away stranger. It was terrifying and got me really depressed and down. It felt like i had lost myself and lost my boyfriend, and my love.

      I’m not over this ordeal, but I have a good understanding of it now, and want to share what (little) i know with others so they might be able to use it too.

      1) Look further- I attended a doctors appointment this morning, and made a list of things that had been stressing me out (before the relationship anxiety set in). I realised how much had actually been stressing me out, it’s no wonder that suddenly everything feeling just shut down. I think you need to sit with yourself and open up to what has been stressing you out, if anything. If you haven’t come up with much, then don’t worry. Either you aren’t stressed (that doesn’t mean that your feelings aren’t anxiety), or it’s hidden stress that you don’t actually know is affecting you.

      2) Critical Inner Voice- Everyone has an inner voice, but with anxiety that voice can turn against you. Think of it like a cynical roommate who gives really bad advice- you’re critical inner voice can really have a massive impact on your thoughts and feelings. I think this is the problem in my case, my critical inner voice is trying to detach me from my wonderful boyfriend, but I will no longer let it. Try researching ‘overcoming you’re critical inner voice’.

      3) As Sheryl explains in ‘fear eyes clear eyes’, fear can literally distort not only what you are thinking/remembering, but also what you are seeing. Sometimes I see my boyfriend completely differently and like a stranger, I realise (real-eyes ha!!) that these are my fear eyes, not my reals. I think learning to define them could be a good step.

      4) Accept that this is how you feel at this time. Sometimes, we feel distant from our partners, this time it’s caused by anxiety. But it’s also okay to feel disconnected sometimes.

      5) Fix Yourself to Fix your relationship! I realised that I had become very very dependant on my boyfriend. Which is part of why this whole thing got me so down. If you learn to love yourself, you’ll love others again.

      Anyway, I’ll stop now. But I just remember when I was at my worst I was scrawling through this website looking for answers. I just wanted to share what I could and, although I can’t tell you how to get over the anxiety (and i’m not fully through it yet either, just feeling very clear and good today), but I hope you’ll consider the little list above, as I think it could really help you through. Analyse and question that critical inner voice guys! You’ll soon realise how silly and stupid it’s being.

  142. I’m interested in this course, can I be considered for it?
    Thank you very much!

    • Absolutely! Simply join the early bird registration by filling in your contact info in the box above and you’ll be notified when the next program will begin.

  143. Hi Sheryl!

    I am very interested in this course, could you please put me on the Early Bird List please!

    Thank you!

    Kind regards,

    • Please add your name to the box near the top of the page!

  144. Hi Sheryl,
    Just wondering if there are any spots left in your March 2016 course?
    Many thanks,

    • As long as the BUY NOW button is still up there are spots left, so yes ;).

  145. Dear Sheryl,
    I am currently following (and appreciating) your Break free from relationship anxiety course. The Open your heart course also seems very interesting. Would you recomend me to take the two courses in paralell?
    I am really happy that I found your website.
    Kind regards,

    • I’m so glad you’re enjoying Break Free. Many people do take two courses concurrently, or you can wait until I offer Open Your Heart again, which will likely be in September.

  146. hi Sheryl,

    I have a question and I don’t know if it is feasible to answer..

    Am passing through major job transition two weeks from now (right after the course started) and will be highly busy and engaged in setting up my new job.

    So could you please tell me about the time needed to dedicate to the course on daily basis? This is a determinant factor honestly for me to take it now or later

    Thank you

      • Thanks Sheryl,

        I need your advice please; as you know, I have been working on my anxiety and break free program for few months now, and generally things are better but still am suffering from deep moments / days of strong anxiety, intrusive thoughts and lack of attraction 🙁

        is it better for me to continue working on the break free program or to shift now to Open your Heart program? the despair feeling is hitting again 🙁

        • It can be very effective to do both programs at once. The benefit of Open Your Heart is that you will receive personal guidance from me through the forum and/or the weekly phone calls. Often this is just the piece that people need in order to break free to the next level of growth. And please remember that this process takes TIME! Time and patience are key.

  147. My partner and I have been talking about getting engaged for a year. I know it’s coming, and in January I feel into a bout of despair and anxiety over the “forever” mark. He is nothing but loving, kind, available, and good to me and I know (and have known) for a while that he was my partner in life. I want to get back to those feelings of joy I had before this all set in…should I be looking at this course or the e-course?

    • I would recommend Break Free or Conscious Weddings E-Course. If your anxiety is because of the engagement and wedding process (and becoming a wife), I would start with the Conscious Weddings E-Course. If the anxiety pre-dates the engagement and you’ve been a lifelong sufferer of anxiety (also known as worry), take Break Free.

      • Thank you so much!

  148. Hi Sheryl,

    I wasn’t sure where to post as I am not a member. I can’t afford to take the e-courses unfortunately but was wondering if I could have some advice? I read an article on this website about relationship axiety and how it can sometimes make you feel like you ‘don’t love your partner anymore’.

    I am experiencing something similar.

    I’ll try to keep it short:

    My boyfriend and I have been together for over a year now, however we have been friends for nearly 6 years.

    We have been in this dream relationship, and I have been more happy then I could ever imagine. However, two days ago, out of nowhere, I got this horrible sick feeling and suddenly started doubting my feelings for him. I was a mess that night, stomach churching, obsessively worrying, I didn’t get any sleep. I hoped maybe I was just tired and that in the morning I would feel better. I felt a little better in the morning, and I met up with him. Being with him felt a little better but my stomach was still churning and I couldn’t get the thoughts out of my head. I am still attracted to him, want to be with him all the time, and the thought of not loving him anymore makes me feel sick. I can barely eat.
    I am constantly getting this churning feeling in my stomach whenever I think about it, and I hate it! I know it has only been two days, but I am with my dream guy, no problems in the relationship (the relationship is amazing and perfect), but for some reason I feel like this? How do I overcome this?

    About a month ago he was very openly upset with me and explained that he felt that we had become distant and it scared him. For some reason, it triggered my anxiety and I thought this meant he wanted to break up with me (when in fact he was trying to make the relationship better). For the last month I had been crying, feeling anxious and just always worrying that he was going to leave me, then suddenly when I was finally able to put those anxieties to bed, it has flipped and I for some reason questioning my love.

    It’s as if it is some sort of defensive barrier that has been stuck up- what do I do? I don’t want to feel like this 🙁

  149. Dear Sheryl,
    I am trying to discern if I should take your course, and I was hoping you could perhaps help a little.
    My situation is a little different than most here–I am two months into a new relationship. I’m 24, and due to external factors only started seriously dating 18 months ago (I have, however, zero history of emotional/physical trauma and come from a loving home). Marriage and children have always been in my long-term plan, as is finding someone with whom I can build those things. And I think I found him–the young man I am seeing now is *on paper* more or less everything I have ever dreamed of. He is a gentleman, family-minded, a strong feminist, caring, intelligent. Plus he’s hot, and the sex is great.
    However, instead of feeling like I am falling in love, I just feel terrified. I have a pit in my stomach, and I don’t know why. I can’t stop my thoughts–am I just plain not into him? But how can that be if we seem to be so aligned?? But why haven’t I had the YOU JUST KNOW experience? Am I too young to find the love of my life? Do I need more experience? What if he wants to move faster than I am able to? What if he says “I love you” and I can’t say it back–but WHY can’t I say it back? He is the sort of person I have always imagined myself falling in love with! Am I even able to love at all??

    These thoughts have hit me out of the blue. Like I said, I come from a healthy, loving background and have never had any out-of-the-ordinary problems with self doubt etc.

    Basically, I am terrified and I don’t know what to do. Should I dump him? Am I just not into him, or am I getting in my own way? Should I go to therapy (I’ve never done anything like that before)? And specifically for you–would this course apply to my situation?

    I would be extremely grateful for any guidance you can give me.

    Many thanks,

      • Thank you so much for your quick response! Is there a reason why you would recommend the relationship anxiety course over the one above?

        • Break Free is my foundational course and I recommend that everyone start there if they’re suffering from relationship anxiety.

  150. P.S. I’m also a penniless grad student and 200$ is for me quite a bit of money. Thus my question–I just want to be sure this is really something that applies to my situation before making such a large financial investment.

  151. I have been reading quite a few of your blog posts which has really helped me understand a bit more about what I am going through.

    When I first met my partner a year and a half ago, I was instantly attracted to him. However from our first date, I was unsure whether I was that into it as I didn’t get the butterflies and I found him a bit quirky. There was something about him that I couldn’t let go of though. Maybe cause he is a really nice guy and I don’t usually go for that type. On paper he is everything I have always wanted.

    He has treats me so well and we are both very loving to one another. I have however had doubts the whole time. This has now developed into really bad anxiety. There are no red flags at all just thoughts like – maybe I am not that attracted to him, that I don’t love him, that we don’t have the same sense of humour and I have felt like I wanted to run away. I have also felt scared to loose him at the same time and I have had terrible nightmares that he leaves me for someone else and I am so sad.

    I really don’t want to lose him. Am I suffering from relationship anxiety or am I trying to force this since the doubts have always been there?

    What course would best suit me? I was thinking of taking the break free from relationship anxiety one, but not sure if this one would be better for me?

    • You’re suffering from classic relationship anxiety, and I would encourage you to start with the Break Free course. Many, many people have doubts from the beginning (in fact, several of them are interviewed in the course itself), and the more you learn to work with those doubts, the more quickly you’ll be able to learn to open your heart to real love.

      • Thanks for your reply. I am going to sign up.

      • Hi Sheryl

        I was struggling with relationship anxiety for months and months. It was pretty debilitating but now it just feels different. It comes and goes but when it comes, it comes hard.
        I’m due to be moving in with my partner in the next few months and I don’t want to if I just need to leave.

        I don’t get all the thoughts like I used to (sometimes I can’t figure out what my mind is saying) but I just feel terrible, off, miserable regularly. I can’t help but feel it’s because I’m staying in the relationship. If I could pluck it out of mind, I’d stay. It’s a healthy relationship, we have fun. We rarely disagree and our only issue that reoccurs is around physical intimacy but we’ve agreed to continue to work on it. Sometimes my mind says ‘I just don’t even want this anymore’. My therapist said she can’t tell me to stay in a relationship that isn’t fulfilling me but I thought that was my job, not my partners?
        I’m just unhappy. I find it so hard to accept the feelings. I almost am beginning to miss the constant, obvious intrusive thoughts and chronic anxiety because then I could almost confirm it was me and not the relationship.

        Do you think this course would be right for me?

        Thank you

  152. Excited to take this course this coming autumn!

  153. I am currently taking the Break Free course and would definitely be interested in your next offering of this course. Please let me know how I can get on the list for the fall. Thank you

    • If you add your name to the list in the middle of this page you will be notified when registration opens.

  154. Am also taking the break free course and planning to take this as soon as it’s offered. My main intrusive thoughts the last month or so has been future focused “what if I’ll truly wanna break up with him in the future and it’ll feel right”. I think a part of me wants to take this course to learn more about love and to strengthen me and my boyfriends bond so that won’t happen in the future.

    My question to you is, do you think that if you’re in a loving relationship and doing all the work and staying committed it’s possible to just suddenly feel like you truly don’t wanna be with that person anymore and feel like it’s right, or do you think that only happens when people stop choosing each other and stop doing the work and commiting to it? Or maybe it’s still intrusive thoughts coming up but in a different way?

  155. I’m interested in signing up, but are all your live classes on Saturday? I can’t participate during that time if so for religious reasons.

    • Classes are on Monday. I’m also offline on Saturdays ;).

  156. My husband is deploying soon and I am feeling very lonely. During this course he will not be around. Will this still benefit me? I have rOCD.

    • Yes, as long as you’ll have some contact with your husband the course will benefit you. However, if you’re struggling with ROCD I highly recommend that you begin with the Break Free From Relationship Anxiety E-Course. If you’ve taken the Break Free course first, Open Your Heart will build on what you’ve learned there.

  157. Hi Sheryl!

    What can this course offer me that break free cannot? At the moment I am struggling for money so am torn about whether I can/should buy OYH at the moment.

    When will the next round be after this round do you think? I’m trying to work out if its better for me to go on this round if the wait is long for the next.


  158. Hi Sherly, thank for offering the hope and strength you’ve gained for yourself with others. I’ve decided to take your OYH course starting the 27th. I need support in this area big time. But before I sign up I want to make sure that I will be available for the group calls. Do you know what time and day will they be held for this session?

    I really want to make sure I’m available for them. I have been seeking answers and healing for the pain of emotional isolation that I realize I’ve been conditioned in to and continue to perpetuate in my relationships. I’ve come to realize that I tended to connect with emotionally unavailable men. I ended my marriage of 9 years from an emotionally unavailable man 10 years ago and have stayed single ever since. I’ve spent those years with firm resolution to not be in another relationship, convinced I repeat the same pattern. Instead I’ve focused my attention on personal growth and gaining a sense of self with the help of a 12 step program and my relationship with God. This has been an amazing journey full of peace, hope and self confidence that I didn’t know was possible. Then 1 year and a half ago I began to acknowledge my desires to be with someone again. Someone I could love and trust. Someone who would respect me and I could respect. I journaled about it , which is a journal direct to God. Five months ago this man which I journaled about walked into my place of business and left his phone number with a coworker for me to contact him. The relationship has been the most amazing thing I have experienced in my life. I believe for the first time I have come to know love. He is the man that I can respect and trust. He is attractive loving kind thoughtful compassionate and all I could ever hope for and more. And just as the rest of the people who come to you I struggle to know how to take him all in. I need to learn how to love. I want to access those parts of my heart that have been unavailable to me all my life. I deserve this and so does he. I thought I had addressed this individually for the past 10 years, but have come to realize that access to my heart in this way can only be done with another. This is why I’m looking forward to your OYH course to teach me and show me the way so that I can learn how to open myself up to be loved and love more completely.
    With gratefulness and hope,
    Kristie Friend

    • I’m so glad you’ll be joining us for the course, Kristie. Calls are generally held on Mondays at 5pm eastern. If you’re not able to make the calls (only about 1/4 of course participants are generally able to make the live calls), you will be able to ask your questions beforehand and listen to the live recording afterwards.

  159. This course is for men too correct? Thanks so much.

  160. Hi- First off, thank you SO much for everything you do!! I am finishing up your “Break Free from Relationship Anxiety” course and am interested in doing this course. Is there a lot of overlap or is it worth doing both? I will also be doing this alone, not with my boyfriend. Will it still improve our relationship if only one partner is working on this?


    • There is very little overlap between the two courses and this course is meant to be done on your own. We’d love to have you!

  161. Hello!
    I stumbled upon your site and found that many of the topics regarding relationship anxiety have been coming up in my life. I was wondering what I could do/what steps I should take in dealing with relationship anxiety?

    Thank you!

  162. Hi!

    When is the next round with this course and “trust yourself”?


    • This course is starting Feb 4, 2017 (Saturday!) and I’ll be running Trust Yourself on March 24, 2017.

  163. HI!
    I have been diagnosed and dealing with rOCD or relationship anxiety for over a year now. Through all this anxiety I was able to get married which has now been 5 months. I have a good OCD therapist that recommended your website and course to do along with my therapy sessions. I’m just trying to figure out which course to take. All of your courses: relationship anxiety, open heart, & relationship course seem to have great info to offer although Im not sure which is right for me? My main issue at this time is my confused feelings of physical and emotional attraction towards my husband which leads me to great sadness and more confusion on if I truly love him,etc

    Thank you

    • Welcome to my site! I recommend my Break Free From Relationship Anxiety for you as it’s my foundational course. If, after taking that course, you have the time and resources for more inner work, I would recommend my two 30-day courses: Open Your Heart and then Trust Yourself.

  164. Hi Sheryl,

    I just got the notice today is the last day to register for the Open Your Heart course. I’ve been working with a life coach recently, alongside my therapy work. I recently worked out that one of my goals is to have an open heart on my wedding day so I can feel all the love, gratitude, and joy on that day. I think this course could be instrumental for me to have an open heart on that day.

    I won’t be available for the start of the course tomorrow as we’are in the middle of moving from our apartment to our first home.

    Will it be a bad idea to register if I can’t participate in the first day? What is the scheduling like for the calls? I’m concerned about being able to be fully available since I’m in the middle of moving.


    • Hi Nikki –

      The first two days are orientation, and it’s fine if you can’t read the emails immediately upon receiving them. Most people “fall behind” at some point in the course, which is also absolutely fine. What matters is that you read the material as best you can and trust that you’ll receive exactly what you need to receive. Calls are generally held on Mondays at 5pm eastern. If you’re not able to make the calls (only about 1/4 of course participants are generally able to make the live calls), you will be able to ask your questions beforehand and listen to the live recording afterwards.

      Hope to see you there!


  165. Hi Sheryl,
    When is the next course going to run?

    • The next round will run in Autumn 2017 and cost is $199.

  166. I’m interested in the next course. When can I sign up for it and where?


    • You can sign up for the early bird notification list in the box near the top of the page. The course will run again in Autumn.

  167. I can’t wait for this course! This is exactly what I need. I only wish it were sooner. Anxiously waiting!

  168. Do you have to be online at certain times? Or are you given links to view when you can? I want to take this course but cannot commit to certain times to see a live video stream….

    • You do not have to be online at certain times. You’ll receive an email each day for 30 days and will be able to access the video pages and calls at your leisure.

  169. Hi Sheryl! I’ve signed up for the autumn 2017 course, and am really looking forward to it. Can you tell me when the course begins?

    • August 26, 2017! Look forward to seeing you there.

  170. Hi! I might have stumbled upon this course at just the right time. But before I consider signing up, I want to ask if it’s advisable to go right into this course instead of starting with the “Breaking Free…” course as you recommended to someone else. To make a long story short, I’m 29 years old and am in my first relationship (close to a year). The guy I’m with loves me and treats me like a queen and I want the relationship to work because I do not want to miss out on someone like him, but I have a very low level of attraction to begin with (to anyone, really) and as time goes on I feel more and more concerned that I’m incapable of falling in love. I also have always had zero interest in physical intimacy. And of course, my anxiety makes me wonder if it’s just that HE is not the right one for me. I’ve never been interested in being in a relationship with anyone, so if he wasn’t in my life, I’d probably stay single long-term, but again, he is so wonderful to me that I don’t want to give up. With all my issues and anxiety, I’m probably very closed off and it’s no wonder I can’t open up to love. I feel like the “Open Your Heart” course really speaks to that. I’m a bit strapped for cash, as I’m sure many people here are, so I really hope it would be worth it and that I would commit to it. Just need some extra encouragement to sign up.

    • I do recommend Break Free as my foundational course, especially when there’s a history of anxiety, but if you’re feeling drawn to Open Your Heart then I encourage you to trust that and join us. You will learn A LOT!

  171. Sheryl,

    I am not sure if I should be signing up for the Open your Heart course or the Trust yourself course. I emailed you in hopes you can help guide me into which one is better suited for me.


  172. Hi Sheryl,

    I won’t be able to participate in the program from August 30th and around 5 days from then. How greatly would my learning and capacity to follow be impacted from that?

    • You can easily catch up when you can. Most people “fall behind” at some point in my 30 day programs and it doesn’t negatively impact the work in any way.

  173. Hi Sheryl, I am interested in signing up for the Open your heart course and I think that perhaps I put a lot of our relationship problems and a host of things I need (but he is not delivering) down to him. Now I’m wondering if this is actually me??..but then before i sign up, I can’t help worrying what if I’m investing in a course when it really is him?? i don’t get the affection that I need, the words of endearment, those sacred moments of connection (however small) that i crave. Life just feels bog standard in this relationship, like I’m just not that special, not that cherished or desired. It hurts and i can’t cope with these feelings going round and round anymore. What if i’m ready for something more and it’s actually HIM that needs this course? HELP! I am so confused right now xx

    • We tend to get into cycles with our partners that create the negative feedback loop that I referenced in this week’s blog, and sometimes the key to getting out of the cycle is to learn how to create more positive energy in the relationship. This starts with you. I recommend the course, as even if you put into the practice the principles that I teach and nothing shifts in your relationship, that will be more information for you about the relationship.

  174. Hi Sheryl, is this course still being offered? I have been in a cycle of anxiety on and off for the past ten months f my relationship( although we had been together a total of a year before breaking up twice- no anxiety about my love towards him during those two times) and everything people are saying on this website applies to me. There’s way too much to say in just this little box but I would greatly appreciate any guidance…
    Thank you..

    • Hi Meg: Yes, this course is currently being offered and will begin on August 26th. The next round will be offered in six months.

  175. Sheryl, do you offer a discount for repeat Open Your Heart’ers? I’m thinking it’s time to do this course again.

    • Lisa: I sent out the discount code for graduates last week. Did you receive it?

  176. Dear Sheryl,

    I understand that there is a limit of participants because of the group coaching calls, but is there any way to buy the articles, videos an mp3s included in this course, without participating in the course itself? I would really love to take the course, but I think I will “need” to start now rather than only in late summer.

    • Please contact me using the contact form above and we can discuss options.

    • Both my assistant and I have tried to contact you via email but we’ve both received bouncebacks. Is there another email address we can try?

  177. Kathryn will be in touch with you today.

  178. Are there anymore openings? Will this corse be available again? How do u reset my username and password. Tx Susan

    • Yes, as long as the payment option appears above there is still room. I’ll run the course again in six months, and there will be an option to take it on your own in the interim.

      • Sheryl. I think I’ll takebit in 6 months but I’m very interested. I married 5 months ago.

  179. Hi is the open your heart course the same as the relationship anxiety course? Because I noticed they are both different prices. My story is very close to that of Brent and mohta. Which is better for me?

    • They are very different courses. If you relate to Brent and Mohta I encourage you to start with Break Free From Relationship Anxiety course as it’s my foundational course then take Open Your Heart down the road.

  180. Hi Sheryl!

    Like many, I’m hesitating between Open Your Heart and Breaking Free. I know the latter is your staple, but I like the interactive aspect of the former. I also don’t know where I stand on the relationship anxiety spectrum.

    My long-term boyfriend almost ended our relationship not long ago. He told me he’d been feeling very anxious recently, fueled by doubts he’d been entertaining for some time. I was blindsided, because he had not shared his doubts or his anxiety with me. Yet, I understood and even shared the feelings he cited: lack of attraction, of connection, of feeling in love, and even attraction to someone else. However, rather than thinking that I’m in the wrong relationship, I’ve been blaming my looks and how they’ve changed since we started dating. If I were more attractive, he would be more attracted, and I wouldn’t feel this disconnect. I don’t know if that qualifies as relationship anxiety and, consequently, which course is better suited to my situation.

    Thank you so much for your work Sheryl!

  181. I want to take this class but need to retire first. I hope you offer it again after 9/30/2019

  182. What is the difference between this ‘Open Your Heart’ program and the ‘Relationship Anxiety Course’?

    I’m wondering which is most relevant to me. I have never felt physical/sexual attraction towards my wife, but love her deeply.

    Thank you!

  183. Is there a way to reserve a spot in the next course for August?

    • Yes, you can sign up using the payment options above.

      • How quickly do the spots fill up? For financial reasons, I have to wait till the 6th of August before I can pay. I’m afraid there won’t be any spots left.

          • Is there a way to just purchase the articles, activities, and videos?

              • Is the course always available?

                • The self-paced version is always available.

  184. Hi Sheryl,
    I’m really interested in this course. I had a quick question, if I pick option 1, would that include the member forum or is that only included in option 2 to for the live course? Thank you!

    • It will include forum access and access to the group calls for the next live course, which will start in April 2021.

  185. Hi Sheryl,

    I’m interested in this course, but I don’t have the money to buy it. My long-term boyfriend and I have been dating for over a year and a half. I started to notice that I’m feeling disconnected, lack of in love and attraction. I cried for hours because I don’t wanna fall out of love with him. I shared my feelings with my boyfriend and made him upset. I don’t know what to do to get my in-love feelings back for him. I read about 20-27 articles to figure things out. So far nothing.

  186. Hi Sheryl,

    I was wondering if this would be a good course for people like me who are currently in a healthy relationship that was once toxic? My husband and I have been together since I was 19 and he was 21. Growing up we did not have great examples of healthy relationships so we have had to learn along the way. There have been red flags on both sides, but we have learned to move past them and become better people. Sometimes these toxic behaviors come up again but we now how to identify them and work through it. I have been struggling with relationship anxiety for about 12 years on and off. It is so hard, I get really depressed thinking that the only way to end this mental torture is to leave my marriage. It then leaves me wondering if I am only with my husband out of fear and not love. I do have a fear of losing him and then I question if it because I love him or because I am just scared of being alone. We have been together for 15 years and there have been hard times but also many amazing times. When we were much younger (not married) I remember something happened in which he asked for a break and I freaked out and told him no, and that I would not wait for him if we took a break. I feel so guilty for not giving him space at that time. I still bring it up and ask him if that was selfish of me. Did I not want a break out of fear of being alone? Did I not want a break out of fear of not getting back together. All these questions run through my mind on a daily basis. Should we split up and see if we truly belong together. I don’t know what to do.

    • I know you’ve been struggling for a long time with the same intrusive thoughts. I would encourage you to go back through the Break Free From Relationship Anxiety course, make sure you commit to the doing the exercises, adopt regular practices, and also consider joining the monthly support group for course members. If you didn’t receive that email announcing the group, please contact Kathryn and she’ll fill you in.

  187. Hi Sheryl! I’d like to ask you how this course differentiates from the “Break Free from Relationship Anxiety” course. Isn’t lack of attraction for your partner one of the things someone with relationship anxiety would have? I was thinking about doing Break Free but now that you announced this one I’m hesitant if this is the one I’d benefit more from. Thank you so much for your work!!!

  188. Will this course be running a live version in 2022? Break Free has been lifechanging so far and I think Open Your Heart is the next step for me.

    • I’m not planning to offer this live in 2022, but the self-paced offers a lot of guidance and access to several of the best phone calls.

      • Hi Sheryl,

        Is that course also for people without RA. I’m dating a Man who is really kind and loves me. But since he told me that he loves me my feelings aren’t so strong and that longing (love feeling) was gone. I’m critizizing myself for that. Do you think this course could work in my case?

        Thank you

        • Yes, this is for people with or without relationship anxiety. Although, based on what you’ve shared here, it sounds like you may be struggling with relationship anxiety :).

          • Hi Sheryl,
            I dont know. i dont have intrusive thougts for 5 years, but not about my relationship(HOCD and POCD).
            I don’t have panicattacks. Maybe because he is much more older than me 15 years and i’m thinking about “what would the other people think when i’m not with a young athletic guy?”.

            Thank you sheril for your advice

  189. Hi Sheryl,

    Yesterday i received the first Email if the course… I listened to your video and took the first excercise of looking trough the lens of love. Is it normal to cry?

    Thank you

  190. This looks really good! Has the time and day of the week for the live sessions been set?

    • Call 1: Tuesday April 4th at 2:30pm ET
      Call 2: Tuesdays April 18th at 11am ET

  191. Can this course help someone who would likely fit more of an ocpd diagnosis than ocd? I know my standards are ‘too’ high but maybe it’s time (age 60) to accept that that’s just who I am and I should be alone. I realize it’s not right to try to control him but I’m turned off to sex because of my perceptions. I realize this course focuses on removing barriers to intimacy and I’d like to give it a try. … do you think if I take this course I might be able to peel away the fear-based OCD-aspect and be able to more clearly assess whether to continue in the relationship?

  192. Hello,
    Sign me Up for the Next round please

  193. Will this course help me work through my projections and fear walls? I am a long time rocd sufferer, I have bene through tons of therapy and I no longer consider Rocd a primary concern, despite having lots of intrusive feelings still. I am perfectly aware that my partner in not the reason why I suffer, and I viscerally know how much I love him; nonetheless, this year I have been struggling with projection in the form of disconnection, irritation and even hatred. Do you think this course could help me deal with these issues? Since I no longer doubt whether I love him or not.


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