Open Your Heart: A 30-Day Course to Feel More Love and Attraction for Your Partner

Are you longing to feel more love and attraction for your partner?


Do you wish there was more connection and intimacy between you?


Do you often worry that there’s something missing in your relationship


Whether you’re in a new relationship or a long-term marriage, you can grow your love and cultivate your connection!

Most people who find me are in loving, healthy relationships but are struggling because the aliveness that was so strong in the beginning has faded OR it was never there to begin with.

And because our culture tells you that you’re EITHER

in love or out of love

attracted or not attracted

connected or disconnected

when these positive states fade as they always will many people panic thinking that those feelings are gone forever and that there’s something wrong with their relationships.

And if they were never there in the beginning the anxiety can be even worse.

As with so many aspects of love and attraction, our culture doesn’t tell us the truth, which is that:

Love can be grown

Attraction can be cultivated

Intimacy can be nurtured

If you only know which Love Laws to follow!

In this 30 day program called “Open Your Heart” I will be teaching you these Love Laws – the loving actions that, when practiced, will grow your love and attraction for your partner and help you feel more connected to each other. These Love Laws have been thoroughly tested with my clients, my friends and in my own marriage. They’re the secrets that happily married couples naturally live by but are not always able to articulate. In this course, I’ve articulated them for you in a way that is clearly and easily accessible.

I’m so excited to be offering this information as I know how deep the longing is to feel more love, connection and attraction. And I’m delighted to be offering it in a personal format where I will be interacting with you directly.

When You Sign Up For The Program, You Will Receive:

 – One email from me every day which will contain an article about one of the love laws and a loving action that you can take

 – At least one video or MP3 each week that will provide an overview of what you will be learning that week

 – Group coaching calls where you will have the chance to ask your questions and bring your concerns directly to me. All calls are recorded and your questions will be answered regardless of whether or not you can attend the calls.

 – Access to a private forum where you can receive support and connect with others in a compassionate, safe community.

 – Lifetime access to all of the material

Give yourself the gift of learning these love laws and allow me to lead you into a level of contentment in your relationship that you’ve only dreamed possible. It’s not Hollywood and it’s the stuff of fairy tales; it’s even better. Take my hand and let’s begin!

If you’re struggling with relationship anxiety, whether dating, engaged, or married, I STRONGLY encourage you to consider my Break Free From Relationship Anxiety Course. Learn more here.

Responses From Past Participants

"With utmost respect and sincerity, I cannot thank you enough… for who you are, how you are, and ultimately for how the Open Your Heart Program has contributed to my healing."

“With utmost respect and sincerity, I cannot thank you enough…for who you are, how you are, and ultimately for how the Open Your Heart Program has contributed to my healing.  Open Your Heart has helped me see that the source of my anxiety is not my partner or the imperfections in our relationship, but the fact that I have become disconnected from my Self.  The course was a reminder that I can choose to love by honoring the amazing man in front of me and celebrating the wonder and gift of our relationship.  More important, I can choose to recognize the beauty of my own soul and reconnect with ways to celebrate myself.

“The course helped me identify the sometimes unconscious things I have been doing to close my heart, and gave me real skills to work on opening it back up.  It was done lovingly, with compassion and gentleness, and with reminders that the only limitation to experiencing my version of a big love story is how my small, fear-based, wounded mind wants to control everything just so she doesn’t have to hurt.  Ironically, this only suffocates my spirit, starves my relationship, and makes me hurt even more.

“Open Your Heart reminded me that the sometimes subtle and soft voice in my head that says “I am not enough” has rather loud repercussions.  I have judged that voice with no compassion, but it only spoke louder.  I thought I could outsmart that voice by ignoring it, but ignoring it only meant I didn’t hear it….not that it wasn’t still there.  The program exposed the fact that it was the voice that was in control, wreaking havoc on my relationship.  So I must tend to my place of not-enough-ness.  When I am enough, my partner is enough.  My relationship is enough.  Acceptance creates change.  Pressure does not.  I am capable of acceptance because I am enough.

“The program gave me many moments of treasured freedom: the freedom associated with feeling light, innocent, certain, awed, expansive, and calm.  I have had more moments of just feeling; feeling deeper, more genuinely, and more compassionately.  It was a gift to experience what happens to my vision of my partner and our relationship when I stop carrying around the heavy weight of control, perfection, insecurity, uncertainty, judgment, doubt, and fear.   It was a gift to take moments of pause just to gaze at my partner from a place of wonder and appreciation: no judgments, no expectations, and no projections.  Those moments made me want to absorb him into my skin and fly into the clouds.  It was a gift to be able to more clearly see how I had been getting in my own way; how when I was reminded to breathe, soften, and approach myself with more kindness and patience that I would relax a bit more and the gate to my heart would naturally open.

“I know this is a journey and not a destination, and so the effort doesn’t end.  Nonetheless, I appreciate that the program has served as my compass, making the path clear.  I know I will stumble on a rock or several along the way, and I might even trip, fall, and hurt myself.  I am okay with that, because I know how to pick myself up and clean the wounds and I am learning to accept that the ground is not always going to be smooth and flat.  There is something about the stumble that is its own gift anyway:  an opportunity to stop and catch a breath, to laugh at myself for being clumsy.  An opportunity to slow down.  Slow.  Down.  When I slow down, I am in the moment.  I am not focused on the destination.  I have let go of attachment and control.  That is where love is.

“Thank you for offering me the chance in the last 30 days to strengthen my love muscles, to smile more, laugh more, dance more, contemplate more, connect more, explore more, uncover more, see more, feel more, heal more, cry more, evolve more, and love more.  We talked a lot about essence.  Well, I can very clearly see yours, feel yours, and celebrate yours….which has helped me see, feel, and celebrate my own and my partner’s.”

Rae, Hypoluxo, FL

"Some programs like this promise some kind of miracle transformation - and deliver very little. This program does not promise a superficial 'miracle' as such but delivers SO much more: actual tools to help any person become more connected to themselves first and then their partner."

“Before this program I felt our new marriage could definitely benefit from a more comprehensive tools for having ‘relationship tools’ as opposed to dealing with anxiety in relationships – and what we got was an absolute goldmine which both my husband and myself will refer to again and again.

“Transformations occur only through practice and that is what the course reminded me. Before the program I noticed that I was thinking some times in the same patterns (as we all do) as I did before the Weddings E-course. For example, stress from outside sources such as work or negative life events were still affecting the way I saw my partner and I was forgetting some of the important lessons I learned back before we were married about projection. This program reminded me that there are tools to use that can remedy any blockage a couple may face and they start with me.

“Some programs like this promise some kind of miracle transformation – and deliver very little. This program does not promise a superficial ‘miracle’ as such but delivers SO much more: actual tools to help any person become more connected to themselves first and then their partner. Sheryl’s emails and phone conferences contain so much more than you could absorb all at once which makes it more of a program for a lifetime. For anyone who is looking for a relationships course there is no better guide than Sheryl Paul! Her sensitivity and wisdom will be guiding you gently as well as having the support of many other like-minded people to connect to whenever you need to on the forums.”

Anon, Sydney, Australia

"There are no specifics we need to follow when it comes to the people we choose to love. We may all have the false belief engrained so deep within us that says we should only love beauty, but it's not true."

“For the longest time, I couldn’t figure out why when I touch my husband, I soften, literally almost melt. (After 8 years it’s still like that.) Or why he’s the one person that makes me glow more than any other person on the planet. Or why can making love to him make me feel so safe, connected, vulnerable and sexy? Or why he is the one person that when I’m around and open, the true purity, innocence, and love in my soul just comes out. BUT then why, if this person and I share this unique bond and connection with, do I think I might leave? Do I think he isn’t ‘attractive’?

“It’s been throwing me through some serious anxiety… 

“I read something in a response that Sheryl wrote in the Redefining Attraction thread on the Open Your Heart forum. She asked someone that if they sunk down, deep inside themselves, is the lack of physical attraction a deal breaker. (not her exact words to this member, but that was the jist.) And it spiked me, because I was like ‘What if it that is a deal breaker for me?’, but I was instantly countered with a voice in my head that said ‘No, it’s not. The amount of love you have for this person will never be trumped by looks.’ But still… I was left confused, and didn’t understand why these two dichotomies exist within me?

“I finally realized that what I have with this person isn’t now, or has it ever been, about looks. I kept wanting to associate attraction with the externals because that’s easy to define.

“The word attraction defined: When one object is drawn to another.

“That’s why it’s been so confusing… For 3 years, I’ve been trying to give definition to something that can’t be defined. What I can define is that I am drawn to him, I’m ATTRACTED to his essence. I’m attracted to something you can’t touch or see. It just is.

“So, I say this loud and clear to anyone wanting to listen:

“There are no specifics we need to follow when it comes to the people we choose to love. We may all have the false belief engrained so deep within us that says we should only love beauty, but it’s not true. When there was, is, or has been a ‘magnetic pull’, for any reason, for any length or time, towards you and your partner, BELIEVE THAT. REMEMBER THAT. If something in you keeps fighting for your relationship, but you don’t know why because you can’t articulate it but you know there’s a reason, BELIEVE THAT. REMEMBER THAT.

“That’s all I got.”

Amy, Detroit, MI


"If you are tired of altitude sickness from being on your high horse, join Sheryl as she gently feeds you small doses of Humble Pie while you acclimate to your new reality of "Holy Shit, you mean it's me not him?"

Grace, Boulder, CO

"Your course is just what the world needs! Truly!"

“Your course is just what the world needs! Truly!

“I must honestly say that, for us personally, it was a reflection of all the amazing work that we have done and are doing. It was like each day, something that we had practiced during that day would be exactly what you were offering as an action item on the course. It became quite funny how aligned we were with the whole entire course, how it spoke our language and how much it brought to our relationship just to take the time and read the texts every night. We apologize for not being more active in the group, we figured the best way was to work together, free from distraction. The way you are communicating this information and the way you structured the work, we feel, is spot on. Thank you!

“We truly honor you for standing up in this work, work that I feel is the most important of our time. If people cannot find a way to make it in their personal relationships, well, the whole rest of life really doesn’t work either. So keep shining on, developing you work and I am sure, one day soon, we will stand side by side in this movement as we too feel it is one of the most important topics for all of us in our lives. We surely will reflect back as reminders and will pass on your work, as we already do, to many!”

Daniel Tyler Pohnke, Los Angeles

"Open Your Heart was a truly enjoyable program. I learned many simple (not always easy) ways to combat a closed, fearful heart and to instead connect to myself and to my partner."

“Open Your Heart was a truly enjoyable program. I learned many simple (not always easy) ways to combat a closed, fearful heart and to instead connect to myself and to my partner. For that reason alone, I feel that the program was worth it. It was worth the investment of time and cost, and worth the vulnerability it took to really practice the love laws.

“I’ve taken the Conscious Weddings E-Course and one difference I found is that I felt more engaged with Sheryl, and because of that, I was more committed to working on the material regularly. The daily e-mails, the daily exercises, posting on set topics on the forum, weekly phone calls–these all created a “program” environment where I felt like we (program participants and Sheryl) were all in it together at the same time, and that I needed to show up.

“Overall, this was a great program, a good complement to the Conscious Weddings E-course and counseling, good for where I’m at in my journey… wonderful. Thanks for your hard work in putting it together and teaching it.”

Stephanie, Minnesota

"If anyone is on the fence about Sheryl's work and Open Your Heart, I can say only this: there is truly nothing to lose and everything to gain."

“I am very grateful to have been a part of Open Your Heart. Over the course of the program, I grew from feeling empty and detached from my partner to taking responsibility for my own openness. This has translated into a feeling of more connection, and although I haven’t fully completed the process of opening my heart, I feel confident that it is possible and that I have the tools to do so. More importantly, I feel that I can do this with my current partner, whom I love very much. I know that opening your heart is a process, and I would not be at this point if it wasn’t for Sheryl’s work.

“My favorite thing about this program was absolutely the conference calls. Getting the opportunity to interact with Sheryl personally and have questions answered directly set this program apart from other online courses. I did not feel like a number or a username on the forum.

“If anyone is on the fence about Sheryl’s work and Open Your Heart, I can say only this: there is truly nothing to lose and everything to gain. All of this work is taken as an experiment, a chance to try new things and see what works for you. And the only way to discover this is to try.”

Emily, New York City

"I am so grateful to Sheryl for this powerful work. Her message is compassionate and gentle – you truly know that she genuinely and passionately cares about this work and about each client’s understanding and integration of the message."

“I loved the Open Your Heart program, and have recommended it to a number of friends. I loved all the guidance and all the information that dropped daily into my inbox with its wisdom, gentle reminders, thoughtful suggestions and solid actions to be taken.

“It was well paced, enough content to challenge you and encourage you to step up and more content to go back to over time.

“It is great to know that I now have this resource at my fingertips to refer to as I am sure I will many times.  I plan to go over it again and again. 

“I feel reassured that there is no shame around this issue for me knowing there are others who also struggle in this area. I understand better where the fear comes from and understand the tools and principals around moving through it.

“As a result I feel more solid within myself, more compassionate and understanding of what the fear means.  I feel braver and more able to feel that fear and square up to it, acknowledging it but taking a different action anyway.  This has allowed me to be more able to open my heart, stay in my heart and be the love and light I know I am in my essence, bringing that to my relationship and everywhere.

“My boyfriend says he can really feel the difference in me when I am in this state, so it feels like a choice and I can tangibly see and feel the difference this course has made for me which is exciting. 

“I am so grateful to Sheryl for this powerful work.  Her message is compassionate and gentle – you truly know that she genuinely and passionately cares about this work and about each client’s understanding and integration of the message.   

“I find Sheryl a beacon of light – she is both strong and gentle as she guides you through what she so aptly calls the dark underbelly of relationship anxiety.”

Katrina, London

"I absolutely loved every second of the Open Your Heart Program."

“I absolutely loved every second of the Open Your Heart Program. Your work is simply incredible and I feel so lucky to have stumbled onto it, ironically 10 years ago and then again when I needed your work the most! Thank you!”

T. Allen, San Diego, CA

"In completing this course, I felt a greater sense of peace within my marriage and about myself."

“For years I fantasized about meeting “the one” and imagined how perfect our life would be together. I hated being single and was eager to meet a nice guy. I would look at friends’ relationships with envy. I thought, “If only I could meet a nice guy, that is the only thing stopping me from being completely happy”. Then it happened, I met a nice guy! I prayed to get married someday. Eventually he proposed-cue the joy, right? I now had exactly what I wanted. Shockingly, instead of feeling “happier than I ever felt”, by the next morning, I felt sick. I couldn’t sleep or eat. I was filled with anxiety and crying all the time. I had a panic attack each morning for 2 weeks. I thought, “Surely, this must mean I’m making a mistake”. My feelings were the polar opposite of how I thought I should feel and I didn’t know what to do. In a desperate google search I found Sheryl’s Conscious Weddings E-course and signed up. I was skeptical at first and even googled one of the participant’s names to make sure she was a real person! The E-course was exactly what I needed. It helped me learn why I was feeling the way that I was and helped me understand how transitions affect people differently. The forum provided is a valuable tool because it allows you to connect with people who are experiencing, and have experienced what you are going through. It feels good to know that you’re not alone and you can get through this challenging time of transition and fear. The course helped me manage my anxious thoughts and learn a lot of about my own personality and pattern of thinking. Now I’m married, in part thanks to all that I have learned from the e-course! The Conscious Weddings E-course helped me understand and manage all the fearing and anxiety that encompassed my wedding transition.

“After the wedding I thought, “I’m married, now what?”. I knew that even though I’d completed the Conscious Weddings E-course my work was not done. While I was completing the weddings E-course, I initially thought, “Okay, I will do this and then be ‘cured’ of my anxiety”. I know now that it doesn’t work that way. I knew that as a newlywed I wanted to continue to work on my relationship. That’s when I heard about the Open Your Heart Program. I approached the Open Your Heart program as an experiment to see if it would help me develop an even stronger relationship with my husband. I did not focus on the outcome, as with the first E-course.

“This program was easy to complete. Participants receive one email per day containing an article and a single task, which I could do at my own convenience. The Loving Actions, which are detailed in the OYH course, can become part of a person’s daily life. In completing this course, I felt a greater sense of peace within my marriage and about myself. The emails of a daily article and task seemed to arrive in the perfect order! For example, just as I was starting to feel some resistance, I received an email about feeling resistance! Sheryl has perfectly structured the course so that it has a natural flow. I would recommend both courses to anyone dealing with relationship anxiety or who wants to strengthen their relationship.”

Laura, Carnegie, Pennsylvania

"Sheryl is an extremely understanding, peaceful and amazing mentor. She is very patient and has opened my eyes to the rich reality of love through the Open Your Heart program."

“Sheryl is an extremely understanding, peaceful and amazing mentor. She is very patient and has opened my eyes to the rich reality of love through the Open Your Heart program. I would unquestionably recommend it to anyone, whether they are in a relationship or not because it is important that people know not to believe everything that the media says about love! Learning to take responsibility of your feelings and love more openly is the most important thing in life, I think Sheryl’s course should be taught in schools!”

Charlott, Lincoln.

"This program is so practical and it helps you understand the ebbs and flows that come with love. I highly recommend it and it is a tool that I will be using for life."

“I joined this program when I was about 2 months away from getting married. It was SO helpful! I wanted a buddy and in my opinion that was a very smart choice. I am now married and still apply the rules I have learned through this program. I am also still in touch with my buddy which is so wonderful. This program is so practical and it helps you understand the ebbs and flows that come with love. I use the very simple technique where I notice if my heart is closed. I now have language to things that happen in a marriage which is a balm for the anxious mind. I highly recommend this program and it is a tool that I will be using for life. I have started a round two of the program and there is always something new that I learn. Thanks to Sheryl for bringing this great material to us all.”

JK, Palo Alto, CA.

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