A New Birth: Announcing the “Roots and Crown” Podcast

by | Apr 25, 2021 | Anxiety | 76 comments

Nine months ago I dreamed that I was pregnant and would give birth in the spring, around the end of April. At the time, I had no idea what the new birth would be: another book? A new course? Starting a PhD program? I should say… consciously I had no idea. But my unconscious knew all along, for when I look back on my dreams and waking life it’s clear I was gestating and growing this particular arrival: the birth of a podcast.

In collaboration with my wise and beautiful niece, Victoria Russell, who has been producing her own podcast, Perennials Podcast, for several years, I’m over-the-moon excited to be starting the Roots and Crown Podcast together, which allows me an opportunity to deliver content in a new way. As much as I love my blog – and I have no intention to stop writing it – something fresh has been shimmering inside of me for a while, aching to be born.

I could feel it in the middle of the night as I was awakened in the witching hour and ushered across this midlife portal. I could sense it in the mornings, a quiet whisper of song landing on the sill of psyche. Creativity often asks for different channels of expressions, different ways to share the unique soulprint that we each have. I feel grateful for the plethora of platforms available to the creative muse today, and I’m very excited to venture into this one and share it with you, my readers.

Below is the official podcast description, and you can head over to this Page to hear our first episode where we share personal stories, explain the name, and begin our rich exploration into the multi-layered and mysterious terrain of psyche:

Join Sheryl Paul, a counselor informed by the Jungian depth psychological tradition, and her co-host Victoria Russell, as they dive into the realms of our inner worlds and explore actions we can take to grow more self-trust and self-love. These bi-weekly episodes will provide guidance for diminishing fear and shame, embracing sensitivity and creativity, and approaching life with curiosity and compassion.

You can listen here or through Apple Podcasts or Spotify (search for Roots & Crown). And if you like the podcast, please help spread the word by subscribing, rating, reviewing, and sharing. Thank you for your support and sharing in this new birth with us!



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