Break Free From
Relationship Anxiety Course

Assessment Results

If you’ve checked at least one box from each category, you’re suffering from relationship anxiety.  Does that surprise you? It’s that simple. You probably realized as you were filling out the assessment that if I could name these bullet points so clearly – most of which you likely checked – I’ve probably heard this once or… a thousand times before. You are not unique. You’re not alone. And you’re not crazy. You’re suffering from classic relationship anxiety, and you have found your way to the only course available that addresses relationship anxiety from the root.

What is Relationship Anxiety?

I define relationship anxiety quite simply as: Pervasive doubt about whether or not you’re with the “right” partner. This doubt can take many forms, and doesn’t always appear as anxiety, but the common factor is an underlying ambivalence that causes you to question whether or not you’re in the right place.

What do you do now?

Help is on the way. Thousands of people have taken my e-courses and have not only found their way to relationship serenity but also have found the tools and information that can help them navigate more skillfully through life. Relationship anxiety is the great equalizer. It’s also an invitation into a level of growth and healing that you’ve likely never experienced before. It’s an opportunity to learn how to manage and heal your anxiety from the inside out. As every person who has done this work will say (including those who participated in the hour-long interviews for this course), their relationship anxiety was one of the biggest gift of their life.

I’m delighted to offer this course for anyone struggling with relationship anxiety.

The course goes into depth on the topics that I’ve only touched on in this assessment: how your personality type led to your relationship anxiety, and what a gift it is to be you (contrary to how it feels right now); what core values are; what red-flag issues are; how to work with intrusive thoughts; and, of course, how to break through your relationship anxiety so that you can embrace and open to the loving, caring partner who is ready to create an intimate, shared life with you.

Are you ready to learn? Are you ready to embark on a journey that will change your life?

Before you answer that question, let me address the number one reason why people don’t sign up for this course, despite the fact that this work seems to speak to so many aspects of their life:  They’re scared that if they sign up they will discover that their “truth” is that they have to leave. Or they’re scared that if they take a course like this they will grow and learn so much that they will “outgrow” their partner. I could write a very long essay on these fears, and I’ve addressed them in the course itself, but I’ll quickly tell you this: I’ve never seen that happen. What does happen is that, as you work through the course material and break free from your anxiety, you soften the fear-walls and projections that are keeping you at a safe distance from your partner, which then allows you to love them more fully. The more you learn to open your heart, the more you learn to love. And as long as your partner is someone with whom you can learn about what it means to love and be loved, there will be no reason why you have to leave. It’s as simple as that.

So let me ask you again: Are you ready to learn? Are you ready to embark on a journey that will change your life for the better?

If so, take my hand and let’s begin!

Self-Paced: Paid in Full

Save $31


Please note that there are no refunds.

Self-Paced: Split Payment over Two Months


Please note that there are no refunds.

There is no other resource available that guides you step-by-step on how to heal relationship anxiety from the root.

If you have a question about the course, please submit it below in three brief sentences or less. Due to the volume of emails that I receive, I cannot read and respond to lengthy inquiries, but I’m happy to answer a very specific question to help you determine if the course is right for you. If you write a long inquiry you will not receive a response. Before submitting your question, please be sure to read the Frequently Asked Questions to see if it’s already been addressed.

I also offer single coaching sessions, which you can learn more about by clicking here.

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