Grace Through Uncertainty: A 30-Day Course to Heal Worry at the Root and Become More Comfortable with Change

Do you struggle with health anxiety, money/career anxiety, or intrusive thoughts?


Do you worry about your loved ones dying and worry about your own death


Do you obsessively worry about your kids’ safety?


Do you struggle with change, loss, and uncertainty?

Most people struggle with change and uncertainty, but some are more attuned to these fluctuations than others. Uncertainty is part of being human, yet one of the scariest places to be is in formlessness, in groundlessness, in nameless fear or nameless grief or nameless dread. As human beings, we aren’t very skilled at sitting with the groundlessness, which is why the mind wants to attach on to something tangible, something that it thinks it can control.

At the core of intrusive thoughts is the need for certainty. At the core of health anxiety is the need for safety. At the core of money anxiety is the need for security. Our culture tells us that we can find safety and security by choosing the right partner and making the right work choices or living in the right house. Our ego tells us that we can find certainty by obsessing on a specific question in search of an answer. None of these pathways lead to true certainty, and none of them quell the anxious mind

Ultimately, we must be willing to let go of these misguided ways that we try to control. Easier said than done, I know.


How do you let go?

How do you live with uncertainty?

How do you surrender to the ocean of formlessness when our deepest fears are around the unknown?


These are questions that I’m asked every day in my work. These are questions that I’ve grappled with in my own life. These are questions I hear in some form from my own sons. These are archetypal questions, and they deserve an answer. Which is why I created this course.


Just like we wouldn’t sail out to sea without a compass and anchor, so we can’t swim in a sea of uncertainty without a map.


This course is a map. The tools I teach are the anchors. Humans throughout history have relied on maps and anchors to help us find ground in groundlessness and footholds in uncertainty. But our culture fails to teach them. Health anxiety, money and career anxiety, obsessive worrying about your kids, the fear of loss and death – these are arrows pointing us in the direction of these anchors, the soul’s way of guiding us to solid ground.

When You Sign Up For The Program, You Will Receive:

 – One email from me every day which will contain an article about meeting the fear of loss at the root and a tangible action that you can take toward orienting away from fear and toward well-being.

 – At least one video and several MP3s each week that will offer additional insight and information on that week’s topic and essential visualizations and meditations that will help you connect to your personal anchors and footholds.

 – Access to a private forum specifically for this program. My private forums are exceptionally supportive communities where people feel safe enough to be vulnerable and do very deep work and, while participation is not essential, it can be a transformational part of the course. (With the live version) For many people, this is the first time they’ve come into contact with other highly sensitive, empathic people who struggle with intrusive thoughts, and the fear of loss, change, and death. True friendships are often formed through my courses, and shame is quickly reduced.

 – Group coaching calls where you will have the chance to ask your questions and bring your concerns directly to me. All calls are recorded and your questions will be answered regardless of whether or not you can attend the calls. (With the live version.)

 – Lifetime access to all of the material

Two Purchase Options

Option One: Begin the course immediately upon purchase and work through the material on your own. You will receive one email a day for thirty days, including access to the videos and MP3s. This option also includes access to two previously recorded group coaching calls, where you will receive further guidance from Sheryl through each week’s theme, and you will secure a spot in the next live round.

Option Two: Register now to join the next round of the live course where you will receive the daily emails and access to material alongside a group of dedicated learners from around the world. This option includes access to a moderated forum and the live group calls, where you will have the opportunity to receive direct support from Sheryl and the co-moderator.

Please note that there are no refunds. 

The June 2023 LIVE round is full and closed. The next live round will start in Fall 2024.

If you sign up for Option One, you can go through the course on your own now, then join the next live round in 2024 for an additional cost.

"Sheryl's course, Grace Through Uncertainty, was and is a Godsend."

Sheryl’s course, Grace Through Uncertainty, was and is a Godsend. I am a sensitive person and I’ve had anxiety of various degrees and about different things throughout my 20s. When I found this course, I felt buried by my workload, had been soul-searching for a while to find a spiritual practice that felt true to me, and my anxiety was manifesting as health anxiety. More specifically, I was nervous at almost every meal that I was allergic to something in my food and that my throat would close. Not fun! I was on the fence about taking the class because I was not sure that I could commit to making the time every day, which to me was a flag that I truly NEEDED to make the time for this course to put my health first.

As with all of Sheryl’s content, I was immediately soothed, reassured, and no longer felt alone and or shameful about my anxiety. I actually started waking up with more pep and stopped pressing “snooze” on my alarm during that first week because of how excited I felt about the course content. Of course, I still have work to do to and my anxiety is not magically gone, but I am starting to feel that inner knowing of “I’m going be okay”. I’m getting better at seeing my anxiety as a messenger that’s telling me to turn inward instead of seeking outward reassurance.

What I love about this course is that in addition to the wonderful readings and audio/video tracks, Sheryl gives actual practices and exercises to help both in the moment and to practice on a regular/long term basis to change your relationship to anxiety. I have been dedicated to my morning and evening practices since starting this course and have felt such comfort in connecting to something bigger than myself on a daily basis, instead of just turning to deep breathing or meditation in the actual moment of anxiety. Another perk: meeting a community of other sensitive people through the forum.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you, Sheryl!

Jen, Denton, TX

"As all of Sheryl’s courses, this one gives you not only deep wisdom and helpful information, but also tools to water these seeds on a daily basis and find your own ways to connect to yourself and something bigger."
“When I read the course description I thought to myself, ‘Wow, this has been me all of life’. I have always felt that I lacked some sense of basic trust although I have also experienced so many moments of deep connection with God, art, myself and others.

“To understand and learn more about spirituality and how it is a part of our lives already and how to strengthen this trust through practice and action is one of the contents of this course. As all of Sheryl’s courses, this one gives you not only deep wisdom and helpful information, but also tools to water these seeds on a daily basis and find your own ways to connect to yourself and something bigger.

“It is a true gift and relief for me to be able to connect deeper with the spiritual realm and to understand that this is universal and not defined or limited by a certain religion. 

“While there is room for all questions and feelings that arise, also difficult ones and resistance, Sheryl guides you with soothing compassion and wisdom. I am often surprised how she can almost read her clients’ minds and answer questions before they’re even asked. It is also very helpful to be able to connect with others and learn from each other.

“To realize that anxiety is a gift and an invitation to grow and find the wisdom, love and beauty that lies inside you is just one of the lessons that I have learned from this holistic approach. Now it is time to let the information sink in and slowly become part of everyday life, it is good to have all the material available to come back to. Thank you for being a guide and an inspiration, Sheryl!”

– Anja, Germany

“I find myself more equipped to recognize and process intrusive thoughts and the feelings of loneliness, boredom, and grief."

“I find it no coincidence that today I picked my first tomatoes of the season as it is the last day of the course. At the start of summer, when I first got my tomato plants, I said a little prayer that they and I could grow this summer. I prayed that by the time I picked their fruit I would have found more peace in myself. And it happened. Here I am feeling a great peace within myself as I snack on tomatoes :).

“The overarching thing that the course has brought me is peace, but there are so many different integral parts that have shaped the final result. Peace has come through learning about daily and hourly gratitude prayers and morning and nightly rituals. They have changed me. I look forward to exploring monthly, seasonal, and yearly rituals as I know all of these will bring me joy and increased peace.  

“Peace has also come through listening to the recorded group calls and feeling the walls of shame fall by participating in the online forum. The daily emails were the most beneficial to me, though.  I enjoyed receiving a new thought or idea each day that I could let percolate until the next day.  

“I feel that to say “thank you” is not really enough.  Those two words don’t begin to encompass how grateful I am for this course and for your book, The Wisdom of Anxiety.  So maybe these words can help express my gratitude:

“I now feel grounded to the love and joys in the world, to the small things like tomatoes, sunsets, the moon, and light. I find this joy by slowing down and finding beauty in all of the things that this beautiful Earth provides to us. I feel more connected to the Earth, but even more than that, I feel more connected to God. I had no clue how much my faith would grow through this course.  

“I find myself more equipped to recognize and process intrusive thoughts and the feelings of loneliness, boredom, and grief. I’m better able to befriend and allow myself to breathe into these feelings. I’m learning how to befriend my anxiety and realize that it is trying to tell me something more than just doom and worry. I’ve seen peace and joy grow in myself, but this has also made its way into my relationship with my husband.  He has made multiple comments about the shift that has happened in me.  All of the things I am learning has benefitted my marriage greatly and for that I cannot express how truly and deeply grateful I am.  

“Thank you for all of the work that you do and for all the knowledge that you have shared with me.”

– Cassee, Seattle

"I am so grateful for this and all of Sheryl’s courses."

Grace Through Uncertainty taught me so much about the power of prayer. When I redefined prayer from ‘a chore to do the right way’ to ‘a lifting of the heart in gratitude, joy, or longing’, my whole world shifted toward the clarity and openness I’d been seeking for so many years. A great lesson I’ve been able to incorporate is although prayer does not change outcomes, it allows me to lift the burden of worry. For me, prayer is no longer a once-in-a-while activity. It is a state of mind that I access constantly throughout my day. It mentally lifts me out of my struggles with uncertainty, fear, longing, boredom, frustration, lack of self-worth, and more. Even I am surprised to find a smile on my face where I would have previously expected a grimace. I am so grateful for this and all of Sheryl’s courses.

Linda, New Jersey

"The warmth and happiness that I feel in my heart when I think of you and your work is unmatchable. So thank you from the bottom of my heart"

All of your courses always come at a just the right time, but this one was perfect for me. I recently lost my mother to suicide and thanks to you and (all my hard work that has come form your courses through the years) I feel strong about navigating my way through this harsh reality. The way that you make connecting to god so open and with so many varying ways is the most refreshing feeling. I have been trying to connect to a church but sometimes feel discouraged if I don’t align with every last aspect of it, and you just take away the pressure of feeling as if i have to be all or nothing. It’s comforting to be able to just connect with the areas that speak to me and not to shame or judge the areas that do not.

I have had this fear in my recent grief that I am not grieving enough or feeling enough and this course helped me realize again (as do all of your other courses) there is no perfect way and to really listen to myself and shut out all the outer “shoulds”. This path is and has been only my path so how could anyone else suggest how I am feeling. It has also helped me slow down and feel when I need to and write about it, cry about it, talk about it and sit with it. The warmth and happiness that I feel in my heart when I think of you and your work is unmatchable. So thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Stevie Fedele, Hilton, NY

"Sheryl's courses have always been incredibly helpful for me navigating through life's transitions and challenges."

The Grace Through Uncertainty course gave me skills and helped me tap into resources I already have for dealing with my current transition into new motherhood and dealing with the anxiety of living in this uncertain world.

Megan, Canada

"A few months after the course ended, I was having a relaxing day at home when I discover something foreign in my breast. The fear was so strong, so terrifying, it was like a surge of hot lava rushed from my head to my toes. “Cancer” I thought."

A few months after the course ended, I was having a relaxing day at home when I discover something foreign in my breast. The fear was so strong, so terrifying, it was like a surge of hot lava rushed from my head to my toes. “Cancer” I thought. I called my fiancé into the room to examine me. “I don’t think that’s anything to worry about, that is so small! But, if you are really concerned go have it checked.” At this point I was in an inconsolable panic. If it’s nothing then why do I have to go get it checked?! (I have developed an aversion to going to the doctor). I then read your story from Grace Through Uncertainty course probably ten times. You found the lump. You panicked. But once the panic lifted enough to access your deeper wisdom, you knew it was okay. I can’t tell you how helpful that one email was, Sheryl. It provided me with just enough calm to drop down into my own body and access my inner knowingness. I knew it was okay, too. And when I went to get it checked out, it was confirmed: all was well.”

Kristen, San Francisco, CA

"I am so very grateful to have found you, your work, this course. It feels to me like setting out on a major course correction in my life."
“I am so very grateful to have found you, your work, this course. It feels to me like setting out on a major course correction in my life. Right now, as the course ends, that seems like a daunting task without your direct input and support, but I know you’ve equipped me well with practices and rituals to weave into the fabric of my life, and many other doors to open and explore.

“One thing I’ve learned is that this takes work… a lot of it. I feel as though I’ve shed a little layer of laziness, discouragement and anxiety and am feeling motivated and excited to keep going.

“With love and gratitude – Elizabeth, Santa Fe, NM”

"The Grace Through Uncertainty course was one of the best gifts I’ve given myself."

“The Grace Through Uncertainty course was one of the best gifts I’ve given myself. I have struggled with generalized anxiety and was looking for my next step- well, I found what I was looking for in this course.  The combination of information, practices, support, discussions, and resources really helped me explore the concept of grace in my life more deeply. To explore these deep and sensitive topics within a forum of thoughtful and respectful members was hugely helpful and healing. This course gave me some very concrete ways to ride the current of uncertainty with more grace and flow.  I continue to work on building my practices and send warm gratitude for your guidance and generosity in creating this course and for your fellowship on my journey.”

JM, Chicago, IL

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